Friday, July 27, 2012

First of all, we have a swimmer.

Asher jumped off the diving board and swam to the edge by himself for the first time today at Georgia's Grandma's House.  I too first jumped off of a diving board at Georgia's Grandma's House when I was five years old.  What a fun tradition to get to share with my kids.  I wish I had a picture to share, but I was the only adult at the pool this morning, and keeping Emmy alive and entertained while also staying in the deep end just in case Asher needed me proved to be a superhuman feat in itself.  Hopefully I can get a picture next time.

Second, I am enamored with a tiny little girl named Emmy.

You guys, she is just so CUTE.  She is talking more, and if you have been reading here for very long, you know that watching a child learn to talk is my very favorite part of parenting (or teaching) ever.  She says most single words, and I'm beginning to hear a few phrases, like "Si-Si's night-night," (meaning, I want to sleep with Silas' blanket) "Asher!  Are you?" (Asher, where are you?), and "I did it!"  She has an affinity for baby dolls, blocks, and snaps, hates bows and diapers and clothes in general, loves shoes, and LOVES all things dairy.   Unfortunately my patience for climbing and screeching is much lower than it used to be, but generally speaking, I really love watching toddlers grow.   And this toddler in particular is cuter than most.

Third, I am so ready for school to start.

But not for the reasons you think.

We all know I love homeschooling, and though at some point it may be the most logical decision for our family, right now we are not.  The reason is simple:  it's not what is best for my kids' specific personalities and needs.  Silas is underlining my point the past few weeks by becoming the very most obstinate child ever to walk the planet.  Maybe that sounds like an exaggeration?  I really don't think it is.  Case in point:  the boy swam for two and half hours this morning, nearly fell asleep at 12:15 in the car, and now, at 2:25, yawning widely and rubbing his eyes, he refuses to relax enough to fall asleep.  It has nothing to do with actually being tired, and everything to do with proving to me he is NOT TIRED.  Another example:  twice (twice!) this week he has very nearly missed dinner because of colossal tantrums at dinnertime over where he wanted to sit to eat.  He has missed outings because he wouldn't put on his seatbelt in the car.  And I can't even begin to guess the amount of time spent in time-out this week.  Every single thing is refused - until we are out, among friends, and then he is the happiest, most easy-going kid you've ever met.  I can't be certain, obviously, but I think the problem is simply boredom.  He misses school.  He misses seeing different people, and having a little freedom from Big Brother (and, now, Little Sister).  We are reading a lot at home, and he is taking a new interest in the sounds of letters and in coloring at the table.  But my sweet Silas THRIVES in a classroom, and while summer has been a lot of fun this year (and it really has been), he is ready to get back to school.  Me too, buddy.

That's what's been going on here recently.  What's new in your neck of the woods?


Stephanie said...

Silas is a very outgoing, social little critter who also likes school. I think you're right -- he misses being around other children.

School is great. You always loved it! Don't feel that you're letting your children down by not homeschooling them; as you said, right now, you're doing what is best for them.

And Emmy is the CUTEST, most talkative, adorable little granddaughter ever -- just like her mama!--

Stephanie said...

PS Notice, this was not Stephanie commenting, but me, her mom. I didn't notice I was logged in on her computer under her name. Oops. - Susan Shehane, AKA Marmee