Tuesday, May 19, 2009

other stuff, too

Since my confession I've been working on being more efficient. Keeping running supply lists, mailing in three dollar bills, returning borrowed items, folding laundry as it comes out of the dryer - it's impressive, really. So this morning, after a week of activity, we are taking some much needed down time. Asher's playing alone in his room, Silas is taking a nap, and I'm making more coffee. Very nice.

Which gave me time to think about all the things I haven't told you yet. Such as-

1. The garden (such as it is) is growing!

New life, in any form, is always surprising and beautiful and full of promise, no matter how common. I never get over the wonder of it.

2. We've reached the meat of the Passion in our study. We've covered the Love Your Neighbor and the healings, and are now in the Lord's Supper and betrayal. Last night was my night to talk about Jesus in Gethsemane. Weighty stuff. I want to say more than that, but - and this was true last night too - I just don't know how to articulate my thoughts. Jesus in the garden, facing the weight of sin for all of history, fighting the instinct to run. And, in that moment, recognizing God not just as his Father but as his Dad, and choosing to submit to Him. It leaves me speechless.

More later.


Heather said...

One day, we are going to live close enough to study the Bible together.

Mercy's Maid said...

Your garden looks lovely! I just harvested the first of my basil last night. I will grow tomatoes next year. I want to make my own spaghetti sauce some time.

Jason said...

What type of soil or potting mix did you use on your plants ?? My stuff looks sick ...