Saturday, May 16, 2009

balanced. ish.

Congratulations, Mary, on your graduation (I'm presuming Lane will follow in the next week or two?). Mikkee left today for Ireland. Both of my pregnant friends found out this past week that they're having girls. Another friend was offered a seriously impressive promotion on Friday (she went from working in the call center to managing projects all over the world in less than five years - that's really something), Nick and Laura celebrated the twins' first birthday. Another friend is falling in love. And Brian - I have to take a minute to tell you guys - Brian has been working on getting a piece of legislation passed for three years, and it passed on Thursday. Friday was deemed his Day of Jubilee, and celebratory ice cream was in order. Big things happening, all around.

And never have I been so content with my uneventful life. The big things in my life are working in the yard (the tomato plants are growing, and the nasturtiums just aren't going to make it, because Asher won't stop picking them long enough to let them take root) and making the house a home. Asher is developing fears (true to his age), and Silas is just - the word that comes to mind is delightful, will you still be my friend if I call my son delightful? - because he is. SO CUTE and rounding out from his carnivorous appetite (I nearly said he prefers protein to fruit, but so far he prefers eating to not eating. The content, so far, is inconsequential). The other day he was playing alone and put a toy in a bucket for the first time, and without being aware that I was watching him, announced, "Ta da!" I love that boy more than I know how to say.

And that's my life. This week, anyway, I feel almost balanced. I'm listening to music again, which sounds like a strange thing to say, but it is evidence that my mind is beginning to function beyond the urgency of the immediate. A little sleep, a little ice cream, a little time to play, a little time away - does wonders. The world keep spinning around, in big and small ways, and tonight I'm thankful for my place in it.

Happy Tuesday, all.

(Oh, except that it's Saturday. Did I say balanced? I meant balanced, as in, not quite AS crazy as I could be, but it's a spectrum, you know. A firm grasp on what day it is may be a little much to hope for.)


mary said...

Thanks Stephanie! Lane graduates the first Thursday in June (I think, maybe. But it is sometime at the beginning of June).

Can you say what legislation Brian has been working on or is it a secret?

Lisa said...

Ah, it's a nice feeling to be balanced, settled in uneventfulness. I feel a little overwhelmed at the moment. Hoping to revisit "balanced" soon.