Wednesday, March 18, 2009

some things

1. Bedtime last night? B.A.D. BAD. Both children cried uncontrollably. For a long time. Either Asher was overtired, or it has just occurred to him that he has a brother, an actual human being with a personality and separate likes and dislikes, and people who love him and want to interact with him. I think it was the latter, added to the former, but it was BAD. He sobbed through bath, teeth brushing, West Wing, singing his favorite songs ... and Silas just needed normal baby things (like a bottle and a blanket) but I was home alone, and I couldn't respond to him while Asher was crying so hard. I finally just put Asher to bed and told him that if he was still sad after I'd fed Silas I would come back and get him, and left him to cry himself to sleep. There really was nothing else to be done at that point, but as a parent, it really does not feel good to let your child cry himself to sleep.


But today is a new day.

2. Seriously?, friends. I ordered shoes for Asher (shoes that are difficult to find in real life - trust me) on Monday at 3:30 pm. They were on my doorstep at Tuesday at 4:30 pm. I'm so impressed.

3. Also - we're trying to fight allergies with natural remedies this year. Brian is becoming progressively more granola on me (you thought it was my idea, didn't you?) and is doing his best to avoid medication. He found this stuff called AllerEase, and it really does work. It doesn't eliminate symptoms completely, but it works as well as an antihistamine, without the loopiness or drowsiness from side effects. But it is exactly the color and texture of Silas's infant poop, so I really can't look at it if I intend to injest it. Anyway, AllerEase. If you're as swollen and sniffly as we are prone to be.

That's all I've got. We're in this limbo where Silas may possibly be trying to drop his morning nap, which really wouldn't bother me at all. My life would be less hectic, actually - but we're in the No Man's Land where he still gets tired, but won't take a nap. We'll see which way the wind blows, I guess.

Happy Wednesday to you all.


Jason said...

First ...Yes, Zappos is the best..I have used them a few times and you just cant beat them for stuff.
Second..can you get this allerEase at any store, like CVS or WalGreens?

Stephanie said...

Jason, I'm not sure if you can find it in the drugstore. Brian found it first at Healthwise (a health foods store), and then ordered it online (it's cheaper online).

Anonymous said...

i ordered a new bottle off of it was half the price of the local store with 5 dollars shipping. not bad. aller-ease is made by a company called buried treasure.

the miracle remedy has been the sinus rinse kit i bought last week. sure it feels like you're drowning but i am a brand new man. hardly any allergy symptoms at all now!