Did I tell you guys they couldn't numb my tooth? Last week, when I went in to correct the aforementioned cracked tooth, it wouldn't numb. FIVE SHOTS it took, friend, to numb my tooth. Brian's response was, "Even your teeth are stubborn." Indeed.
Yes, pregnancy plus chewing gum really did cause this, in a round about way. Chewing gum (or, letting the gum sit on my back teeth so I didn't get caught chewing it in the 9th grade) caused the cavity. And when you're pregnant, a). your teeth suffer, because all available nutrition is going to your baby, and b). they won't do any dental work. So I needed to have the cavity replaced when Asher was 5 months old, but I got pregnant instead (twice), so the tooth cracked.
It did hurt, but it was not the most painful thing ever. I have a pretty good pain tolerance. More painful than the shot was when they kept trying to DRILL MY TOOTH and it wasn't numb. Um, yeah, you're going to have to wait on that.
Um, more importantly that sounds like the very most painful thing ever of all time and history!!! How was it? Is it fixed at least now?
Did pregnancy combined with chewing gum really cause this?
No, you didn't tell me...
That's strange that they wouldn't fix it while you were pregnant. Both my doctors were for fixing my cavities while I was pregnant.
Sounds like it was painful but I'm glad it's fixed now!
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