Friday, May 09, 2008

birth days

In my little world, six babies were due between March and July.  One had a healthy birth, and is home and adjusting nicely.  Another was born on Thursday, and will be in NICU for at least the next week.  He was full-termISH - my friend was 36 weeks on the day she went into labor, and his little lungs aren't quite where they need to be.  My friend has a little girl the same age as Asher (we were pregnant together the first time around, as well), and the idea of pumping every two hours, with a toddler at home, and leaving a hospital empty-handed .... well, that's been my fear for the past 31 weeks.  She's handling it better than I would.  I'm pretty sure I would be a puddle on the floor, and someone would have to tell me what to do next.  Anyway, my friend is Jessica, her baby is Pierson, and if you feel so inclined, please say a prayer for them both.

So that's two down, four to go.  Another friend is 36 weeks (although I swear they have her due date wrong - I swear she's closer to full-term, if you want my completely untrained medical opinion), and has started having contractions.  Which is wonderful - except she's moving next Saturday.  If she has a baby this weekend (and it sounds like she will), she will bring her home to boxes.  Bless her heart.

That leaves Laura and me.  And, as Nick just told us, Laura is in the hospital with pre-eclampsia at almost 27 weeks pregnant.  Listen to me, Harper and Lily.  You stay put.  Keep growing, babies, keep getting stronger.  We can't wait to meet you, but not yet.  And Silas, don't you get any ideas.  


Anonymous said...

That's a lotta babies!! Yes, Harper, Lily, Silas - you all will have plenty of time to play togther rushing. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, how sweet all of this is. We're through the baby phase in our little world right now.

Anonymous said...

What IS it with women deciding to move while they are pregnant?

Can't believe you are so far along!

Missy said...

Tell your sweet friend Jessica that I know the torment of having a baby in the NICU but the silver lining - and it is a BIG one - is that she can go home and SLEEP at night and be so well rested by the time he comes home. When Ike came home, I realized that I would go in at 3am and actually be smiling at him. I was like, what is this new thing? and then I realized - two weeks in the NICU meant two weeks of mommy sleeping and recuperating before he came home!! It made such a humongous difference in the first three months, I can't even tell you. I actually enjoyed him at *all* hours of the night.

The other silver lining is that he will come home on a perfect three hour schedule. Which means, if she keeps him on his 3 hour schedule by waking him during the day but never at night...he should be sleeping through the night mighty soon.

None of this compares the the horrible feeling of driving home with an empty carseat, and the guilt of not being with one baby or the other. But you gotta look on the bright side.