Thursday, May 08, 2008

live blogging from the couch

Here we sit, friends, I in my kerchief, and Pa in his cap, watching our local government's order of business site and hitting Refresh every 37 seconds.  I wrote a whole little thing explaining why, and how frustrated I have become with state government, but it occurs to me in the age of Google (and given other friends' previous experience with employers and blogs) maybe I shouldn't publish anything that touts my opinion about part of his job and my husband's name in the same paragraph.  Maybe that's a bad idea, considering that he likes what he does, and intends to stay in it, and that his employment makes our guilty pleasures, like breakfast and dinner in the same day, feasible.  Alas.  Let's move on.

In other news, my little boy is shaping into a music connoisseur.  Here is what I mean:  there are two types of music lovers.  One is inspired by the mechanics of sound, the other is inspired by lyrics.  Brian forgets words to songs that he's sung for years, but he hears and remembers nuances in recording that I will never notice.  I, on the other hand, just know what I like.  And certain lyrics will always stir me, even though I've heard them a thousand times.  It's the same reason I can quote lines from poems I read in high school, and remember the rhythm of stories I read in grade school.  My mind holds on to the words; Brian's mind holds on to the sound.

And at sixteen-months-old, Asher seems to have inherited his father's ear.  He has already located, on his own, the little round speakers that pipe music into grocery stores and waiting rooms.  He will point to them and say, "Music!  Music!"  And in the past few days, he has started announcing "GAR" (which translates as "guitar") every time he hears one.  Today we were listening to Enter the Worship Circle in the car, which has a live folksy/ acoustic/ gospel sound, and uses only acoustic instruments.  Whenever the chorus interrupted the rhythm, Asher would start asking, "Gar? Gar?  Gar?" and signing "please."  He had no use for the words.  He wanted to hear the music.  Just like his dad.

But when you see me in real life, ask me sometime about my opinion on our local governing body.  I would love to air it.  I mean, share it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THat's so funny, because Z makes me turn off crap like James Taylor and turn on string quartets so he can listen to Mozart! They should get together!