We had a great trip. We spent most of our time outside, and is there really a better way to spend a weekend? I don't think so. But I've been sole producer and director of The Asher Show since Wednesday (we tour, you know), and now my house has exploded into a thousand dirty bibs and Curious George books, so we'll pick up here tomorrow.
Tune in this week for more about our trip, more of my Thousand Gifts list, a guest post on short-term missions trips from Mikkee, and whatever else falls out of my head in the next few days. Good night everyone.
I think that first picture is my absolute favorite of every other picture you've ever shared! Beautiful!!
Glad you had a great time! Can't wait to read Mikkee's guest post!!!
I want to come visit before Silas is born. I just need to figure out the kiddos... maybe my MIL would want to juggle them with me. Hmm...
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