Thursday, January 31, 2008

Just by watching this, you can raise money for autism. So please, go watch it.

In other news, I too am an Obama fan, for all of the reasons listed on other blogs. Though I have to say that IF McCain is the Republican nominee, and IF McCain has Bob Riley, governor of Alabama, as his VP (which is the rumor in Montgomery), I'm going to be torn. I feel the same loyalty to Riley that other Democrats have shown to former Texas governors in previous campaigns. He's done a lot of good for Alabama, and it would be hard for me to vote against him. Honestly, an Obama/ McCain race would be fun to watch. They both have shown a propensity for catching independent voters, and both have not been demonized by the other party (yet). And the political reality is that I live in a red state, so it's hard not to feel as though my vote is swallowed up anyway. But that's a lot of "ifs." First things first, and Super Tuesday is first. And Obama has my vote.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad for your primary vote. I'm skeptical that Riley will get a nod for VP. Alabama will definitely go republican in 2008, but a place like Florida, with a relatively popular Republican governor, might not. I'm afraid Montgomery might just be hoping for too much.

If Riley doesn't get the nod, who will you be for then?

Stephanie said...

Obama, for sure. And the truth is that I"m a Democrat, so I'll vote for the Democratic candidate, whether that is my guy or not. But Riley would be the only thing that could possibly change my mind.

Candy said...

Seen the video - makes me cry.

And I'm right there with you on the Obama/McCain race. I might actually be happy if either of them won. Imagine that!