Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Well, I've been distracted this week so I haven't been as worried about the new baby. Thankfully.

What's been distracting me? We spent a few days with Georgia's Mom, Georgia, and Sawyer. It was an education in parenting multiple children, culminating at 8:30 this morning when Sawyer rode his toy down the stairs. He had a purple goose egg on his forehead large enough for any self-respecting mother to freak out, and earned a trip to the pediatrician in his pajamas as a result. Seriously, he only hit a carpeted step, but he was going fast enough that when his little ride-on toy hit the foyer it cracked the TILE. Thankfully it's pretty difficult to actually damage your brain, so as bad as his forehead may look, he really is okay.

I also was reminded that Asher is indeed an introverted kid. He had a little taste of sibling jealousy and discovered the joy of a toy kitchen set, but mostly he stared at the whirl of activity that is life with two toddlers. When the other two were at Mom's Day Out, Asher came to life, laughing and talking. Otherwise, he just stood and stared. Preschool is going to be interesting.

Last thing - put me in any room of middle-class Americans, and 8 times out of 10 I will be the person least likely to care about gadgets or to spend money on frills. So what. I need a Roomba. Did you hear me? I NEED a Roomba. Because have I mentioned my shedding dog and the hardwood floors and the baby that spends most of his time on the floor with a shedding dog? And how I'm pregnant and only going to get bigger and then have a newborn and then have TWO babies playing on the floor with the shedding dog? See? I need a Roomba. Asher even learned how to say it at Georgia's Mom's House. "OOmba!" He would call. Indeed. You turn this thing on and it cleans the floors for you. It even has a sensor to know where the room ends and where the stairs are (a sensor Sawyer could have used this morning). Seriously. Now the truth is that if I got a robot that scooted around the floor my dog would LOSE his mind, but even so, it would serve me very well. I need a Roomba.


The Bean said...

Two things:

1.) We got a Roomba in Belgium and loved it. It works as well as it says it does.

2.) Our Golden Retriever's hair eventually burned up the motor in our Roomba and we have yet to get it replaced.

If you get one, make sure you clean the hair out of the brushes multiple times a week to avoid such an occurrence.

Missy said...

The people I know who do have a roomba give it a name and almost put it in the Christmas card family photo.

I fondle them every time I go to Sears.

Cindy said...

You really shouldn't have told me about the Roomba. I always assumed it didn't work as well as the advertisement.

Now I must live with the knowledge that an amazing cleaning gadget exists that could wipe out my least favorite chore...

Stephanie said...

Emily, if we get one, I will be sure to clean out the brushes to protect it from the dog hair. Missy, if we get one, it will sit next to the babies under next year's Christmas tree. For sure. And Cindy, you need a Roomba too.

Anonymous said...

His introversion may not be an obstacle in preschool. Zach took to school just fine, he really did. We have always given him "permission" to hang back, and that gives him the confidence that he knows when it is right to put himself out there.

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

I would love to have a Roomba too!!!!