This - THIS RIGHT HERE - is what makes me squeamish about flying. My clammy hands have nothing to do with being in the air (I buy the bit about being more likely to have a car accident on the way to the airport). It's being trapped with two hundred strangers for hours on end that I don't like. As my mom says, I start to feel like other people are using up all of my air. And what if the person next to me throws up? I'll be stuck. Blech. Blech and yikes.
Also, thank you for this link. I love it. It is the best thing I've read in months. I read a little about Aristaeus, but would still love to hear how the name was chosen, if the author sees this and cares to respond.
Elizabeth, congratulations on your graduation - congratulations on being so so good at finishing what you start and doing what you say you're going to do. It is one of many strengths that will serve you well in your new life.
Last one - I heard similar stories when I was working, but I never get used to them . Praise God for those who are compelled by love.
Part II
Because we love Lane.
You really loved Dogs of Babel? I hated it. Hate is a strong word - I kept rolling my eyes at it. There are so many good stories in the world about young widowers trying to find their way after untimely deaths of their wives that this one felt, well, made up. Readers who liked Dogs of Babel will LOVE Bag of Bones by Stephen King, or Beach Music, by Pat Conroy. And readers who like Beach Music will LOVE I Know This Much is True, by Wally Lamb, but for different reasons than Bag of Bones. This could be a game. The seven degrees of story lines, or something. But sending good books to Janet is always a good idea. And Traveling Mercies is just good television, in my opinion. The scene where the dog eats her son's cupcakes STILL makes me laugh.
Thank you, Stephanie, for those kind words about my writing. I am a regular reader of your blog and enjoy it very much. Thanks also for looking up the name. Here's why I chose Aristaus:
1. he is a "lesser deity," and I've been feeling decidedly lesser these last few months.
2. he knows how to do everything from beekeeping to detective work.
3. he is also a dairy worker, which reminds me of the best line from Monty Python's Life of Bryan.
4. he knows how to deal with loss, i.e., through grace and motion
5. it was my first username for my first email address in 1990, when about three other people I knew had email addresses
I have to admit - I also really liked Dogs of Babel and Bag of Bones for similar, mindless entertainment, page turning, nothing better to do reasons. I think I read Dogs of Babel, the entire book, on a sunday once when we lived in Dothan. Nothing else to do. I just found these books to be entertaining, like bad tv.
I Know This Much is True though, infinitely better, so good. Also read in my nothing-but-time-on-my hands-year-in-Dothan.
I should add though... it did bother me slightly that the main character of dogs of babel was totally unbelievable as a man. It was obvious that it was a woman writer. But, I stand by its entertainment quality.
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