Sunday, December 06, 2009

things i've learned in the past 4 days

1. Mikkee makes the world go round.

We somehow managed to pull off having 3 of the 4 of us in an evening wedding, as well as taking both of the kids to the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, and (night time) reception, without ever seriously questioning our sanity or wishing for the ability to melt into the carpet. This was only accomplished because of my dear friend Mikkee. Thank you again Mikkee for being our third set of hands and enduring the occasional wrath of my children.

2. Penicillin is not our friend.

Remember the story about Silas falling on the pavement twice in two days and busting his lip both times? Well, his lip got infected Wednesday afternoon, and earned him a round of Imoxicillin Thursday morning. By Thursday evening he was rashy and irritable. So, yes - both of my children are allergic to penicillin. But praise God for rashes that clue us in and help them avoid anaphylaxis in the future.

3. Don't even try to predict what small children are going to do.

Every single time Mikkee and I expected one child to melt down, he would be great, but his brother would fall apart. Case in point - in the following picture, Silas has had no nap and is smiling like it's his JOB. Asher, who had been perfectly pleasant all day long until fifteen minutes prior, is standing in the hallway screaming, "I DON'T WANT MY PICTURE TAKEN!" It was almost a family portrait. Alas. On the flip side, though, how many pictures does Silas have with both of his parents? Not many.

4. Happy is good.

My sister has been happier in the last year than she has ever been. The weekend was a reflection of that - no trauma, no drama, just ... fun. And beautiful, of course, because she also has amazing taste. It was fun and busy and silly and worshipful and exactly what you wish for the people you love.

As an example, here is a picture of Scooter and her Bryan singing, "You've got to fight for your right to paaarr-ty!"

But wasn't she pretty?

It was a good weekend.


Heather said...

Your sister has always been a beauty, but she seems to have absolutely blossomed into love and motherhood.

ljkgates said...

It was a beautiful wedding and a great reception. You took some amazing pictures! I really love the picture of you and your dad. What a great family you have. We are so blessed to be a part of it.

Lisa said...

Those are the memories you will cherish for years to come.

mikkee said...

what a fun weekend it was!