Sunday, March 15, 2009

This is me, thinking out loud while sleep deprived. It should be amusing.

Last night - after watching Cars - I was on the computer with three windows open: one was my email, where I was talking to a friend about forgiveness. The other was researching Mark 11 and the significance of the Triumphal Entry. The Messiah on a donkey, marching with clarity and intensity into Jerusalem and his death. And the crowds, having heard of Lazarus' resurrection, rushing to greet him, cheering, creating a scene. Most did not believe in his spiritual authority; none would defend him in a few days. But they gathered all the same. The third was a blog, and a reflection on the season of Lent. So I'm partly focused on talking about forgiveness, partly imagining Jesus and the Passion, and partly reading about Lent, the season of sacrifice and resurrection in preparation for the celebration of New Life. And it was like - do you remember the pictures that were popular fifteen years or so back, that were nothing but overlapping lines and squares on the surface, but in time morphed into a three dimensional picture? It was like that. If I could have just stared at it long enough, stop focusing on the components and absorb the whole, I could have seen a larger picture in the frame. Repentance, Lent, forgiveness, shame and Jesus coming to save us all, as the crowds chant, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"

There's art in there somewhere.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Stephanie I always love the way you write. You have such a beautiful way of articulating things, and seeing things I never would have seen.
Even while lacking sleep...=)