Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thank you for your comments. Knowing who's listening matters.

Here is my week thus far, in no particular order:

1. Silas is healthy. He had his 9-month check up yesterday, and all is as it should be. Praise God for healthy babies.

2. However, Silas is sick. Infections - again - in both ears. This combined with vaccinations yesterday, and want to know how he's acting? Perfectly normal. Delightful, even. He's sleeping a lot more than usual, but who complains about a baby who is suddenly napping too well? Not me. Seeing how completely fine he is when he has to be in pain confirms a. he is one tough baby, and b. reflux must be MISERABLE, if he can breeze through this and scream through one missed dose of Zantac. Poor kid.

3. Asher is sick, too, with an ear infection. Asher never gets fevers (he's had one other in his life, that I can remember), so last night when his temperature climbed a full degree in 40 minutes, I got pretty nervous. The high (for him) fever combined with antibiotic on an empty stomach means - you know it - he threw up on me about five minutes after my Bible study friends decided to meet elsewhere last night (good call). He slept in my lap for several hours, until his fever broke and I was willing to put him back in bed. Seeing him so sick reminds me of how much of a baby he still is. Last night he slept like he did as an infant, head against my chest, with no paci or blanket. It was scary to see him that way (I've heard stories lately of febrile seizures, and really he looked feverish enough to be headed in that direction), but I was also glad to be able to care for him. Don't worry though - by this morning he was back to screaming at his brother, just like normal. It seems to have been a one time thing.

What else, what else ...

4. I have such a sense of Lent this year. Is that an odd thing to say? I'm anxious for it to be Palm Sunday already, so we can celebrate Holy Week and Easter. I'm ready for the Resurrection, I guess is what I mean. I'm ready for the Good News.

Really, that's all I have to report. Life is full, though not necessarily full of things worth reporting. But thanks for speaking up, ya'll. Really.


Nick M. said...

Sorry to hear about the sick kiddos. Hopefully everyone is back to "normal" by now.

Funny that you mention Lent this year. It has FLOWN by for me and I wonder if that is a side effect of not working 'in a church' anymore? Just kind of strange to me.

my word verification: famynal-the drug you take after having spent too much time with extended family

leslie said...

I'm if you will :)

Heather said...

Giving up books certainly made Lent a very real experience for me this year. The 40 days of temptation is tactile in my life, right now.