Sunday, January 25, 2009

Every now and then, someone will ask about putting Asher in some kind of preschool. I'm not opposed to it, and I would imagine that next school year we will start looking into it. I haven't done it this year for two reasons: 1. tuition is going to require additional income, which means that I will hopefully find consistent work (which I don't expect to be difficult, once I start looking seriously) to do while he's there, and that's great and good (really it is), but that also means leaving Silas, and I wasn't ready to do that when he was two months old, last September; and 2. the first year any child is in school they are sick more often than not, and, again, I wasn't ready to take that on with a newborn in the house, too.

What I now understand is that small children are just going to get sick, regardless of where they spend their day. Maybe he is exposed to a little less by being home, but he still plays with friends and is out in public all the time. Sickness is an unfortunate reality of childhood. And this January, we have had plenty of it.

Asher called for us at 1:30 am Saturday morning. He had thrown up. He never got sick again (hooray!) but he was lethargic and not very hungry all day (though he was super interested in Sprite. I figure, if you have to throw up, you can at least have a little soda, too). Saturday morning, Brian and I were in the middle of agreeing that it was probably some sort of fluke, not a virus, since he was only sick once, when Silas got sick. Silas was sick all day.

You would have thought Brian and I were preparing for surgery. Washing our hands every time we touched anything that they had touched, using hand sanitizer constantly, Lysoling the lower third of the house every couple of hours .... seriously, we were militant about it. But I think it's paid off, because it's been almost 24 hours since Silas got sick, and I feel fine. A little grossed out, but not nauseous.


Why do kids get so sick in the winter? I'm ready for spring.


Laura Mielke said...

We have been sick a lot too... hoping Spring and SUmmer will be better for all of us!

Lisa said...

So ready. Olivia hasn't had anything serious, but it seems like she's getting a new cold every few weeks. I was doing the handwashing things too, but unfortunately the cold got us all.