Thursday, November 20, 2008

calling all super readers

I know this is a question for a phone nurse, but I'm going to ask you instead:

Silas is allergic to green beans. He had a reaction on Tuesday - he was actually in the middle of the reaction when I took the picture below. See the red watery eyes? The runny nose? TOTALLY didn't connect it to green beans until he developed a rash everywhere the green beans touched his face. I definitely felt like the Mother of the Year after that. Also, it has taken me WEEKS to realize that Asher is waking up at night because he's cold. That, too, makes me feel about this big, knowing my child has been cold for weeks while I've been curled up under warm covers. It's been an A+ week for me, can you tell? But I disgressed into my own crankiness. Anyway, since Tuesday the reaction has gone away but the child is CRANKY. And normally he's not a cranky kid at all. Is there something special that happens after an allergic reaction I don't know about? Asher has had them before, but he never did this. What is going on with Silas?

Anyone? Anyone?


Laura Mielke said...

can't help with the "meangreenbean" syndrome but I TOTALLY feel you on feeling like a super mom (sarcastically said). when the dr. told me the girls had ear infections then asked how long have then had this breathing problem and do you feed them lying down... i said about a week???????????????? a week means a month??????????????? i felt like the worst mother ever as i realized drowning their inner ear in milk WOULD ABSOLUTELY GIVE THEM INFECTIONS duh to the millionth degree.

Anonymous said...

i looked the other day and B only has pants that are 18-24 months -- two sizes too small. looks like i just stole your mother-of-the-year award.

Melissa :) said...

I am so freaking out about Caibs being cold at night. We all have nice blankets & comforters & all she has is a footie blanket sleeper. If it's called that. Is that warm enough? How do I know? She can't tell me. My other 3 slept in those too...

I turned the heat up last night 'cause I'm just not sure!