In other news, we're at my parents' house (on the lake) this weekend. This is our first overnight trip here in Asher's memory, and he is equal parts thrilled at hanging out with his grandparents and dismayed at sleeping in a new place. I made the mistake of telling him two hours before we left where we were going, and heard an unending chant of toddler babble that, when interpreted, meant, "BIG DADDY! BOAT! JACK! (the cat) SCOOTER! MARMEE! VACUUM! (he apparently remembered their vacuum from our last visit. Go figure.)" I get it now, why I've always been told not to tell toddlers anything until the moment it is happening. Duly noted.
But he's had a blast. He's already watched Tigger and Pooh, seen BOPES! twice this morning, eaten pancakes, chased the cat, and played the piano. Now he's down for an early nap, while my parents are recovering on the couch.
Here are a few pictures from our adventures:
great pictures! I love Asher's blonde hair/brown eyes combo. What a nice cool gray day to be at the lake. Have fun. I bet Silas is really active now... our girls are pretty much kicking all day. Nick even felt one the other night in bed. That was fun.
i LOVE these pictures!! especially the Easter grass ones!! :)
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