Wednesday, April 09, 2008

look for it somewhere along 85N

I've lost my filter, that filmy line between what you think and what you say. I left it somewhere along the interstate, upon which I have driven back and forth and back again ALLLL day long. On any given day, I put most of my energy into taking care of my family, but today I feel as though I have only marginally succeeded.

I took Asher into the pediatrician this morning, believing that he could have foot and mouth disease (a very common and not at all serious virus that toddlers get). It turned out he only has a paranoid mother (in my defense, he was exposed to it yesterday, and had a rash and hives on his foot this morning), a sore throat, and fever, but not foot and mouth disease. I had to see my least favorite pediatrician in the group, the one who misdiagnosed his antibiotic allergy and caused us a weekend of avoidable misery, and got a lecture on keeping him out of the nursery and grocery stores because he hasn't had a chicken pox vaccine. Seriously, friends, WHAT do I win for not rolling my eyes at that woman today? Does she honestly think I made such a decision without carefully considering my options and discussing it with my doctor? And what about the professional courtesy of not telling other people's patients what to do? Also, WE ALL HAD THE CHICKEN POX AND LIVED TO TELL THE TALE. Pa-lease, is what I did not say but wanted to this morning.

Back down the interstate we go, home for nap and to cancel our afternoon plans. Then UP the interstate, again, to the grocery store with the good produce, only to realize my check card is in the diaper bag, which is, of course, at home. Back and forth, one more time, making a simple errand as complicated as absolutely possible, and doing it at the worst time of day possible, so that what could have been a 20 minute errand took us almost two hours.

Alas. The day is almost over. Asher, for all of the sore throat and running around, is doing pretty well. I think he's done with his day, though, too. He has spent the last hour saying, "Da? Tar?" as in, "Where's my dad and his fun guitar? Why am I still stuck in this car seat with YOU?"

Hope your Wednesday (it is Wednesday, isn't it?) was better than mine.

Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that Asher fell out of a chair and hit his forehead on the tile floor JUST as they were calling our name at the pediatrician's office. There was a collective gasp from the waiting room, and a wide-eyed nurse who wanted to put ice on it. Seriously? Do you know how many times a day this kid falls down? He was only scared, and made more so by the response from the crowd. If he's not bleeding or bulging at an odd angle, he really is okay.


Heather said...

Crappy Day, Steph. Phooey! Hope Thursday is better. I HATE the chicken pox vaccine. My boys are required to have it to attend school though. Le sigh... I had chicken pox in kindergarten. I am a-ok. Let's work on a cancer vaccine, thanks.

The Bean said...

I hope this doesn't make me a bad mother but I was unaware that Baby Bean had had the chicken pox vaccine until I asked at her 18 month appointment and they said she had already gotten it. That was fine with me because I have no strong feelings for or against it but seriously, the doctor was trying to keep you away from possibly infecting public? Don't they say the younger they get it the better? I had it in 2nd grade.

Stephanie said...

The doctor was saying he could get encephalitis from chicken pox, which would cause permanent damage. She also said that keeping him out of the public is part of deciding not to fully immunize.

Anonymous said...

Awww...I'm sorry you had a stinky day. I have (too many) days where I lose my filter too. Yesterday afternoon, I was walking to the store, and there was traffic along the road I was walking - and with traffic comes the honking. I watched this man in a huge truck literally lay on his horn - for a good 45 seconds. Know what I did? Walked by his window with my hands over my ears and yelled "STOP THE STUPID HONKING IT DOES YOU NO GOOD!!!!" He stopped. I guess my filter is probably floating along in an ocean somewhere. :)

M'elle said...

Oh.... the filter.... yeah. I totally forgot about that thing.
You know, I think adults should be allowed to have a screaming, kicking 2-year-old fashioned tamtrum on the floor after a day like that. There would be less heart attacks and blood pressure issues in the world, don't you think?
In my opinion, chicken pox is a rite of passage. You haven't really lived until you have had the chicken pox!
See? No filter!

Missy said...

Ironically, Ike got his chicken pox vaccine this morning!

But we skipped the MMR and delayed two others. Fourth kid, Missy gets a clue.