And it really was. Talk about creating an atmosphere ... I can't imagine the money it takes to make a warehouse feel like an outdoor adventure, but they were successful. My favorite moment was Asher calling every deer "Bambi." Here we are, perusing a HUNTING shop, and Asher is bellowing "Bambi! Bambi!" every few seconds. Take that, senseless killers. I mean, hunters.
And one more story to grow on -
Yesterday morning, we were all lazing around on our bed. Asher was trying to climb overboard, but we had him blocked with our legs. "You're stuck!" I told him. "Stuck," said Asher. A few minutes later, Asher was watching Pooh while I was working on breakfast. Roo's kite was caught in a tree, and Pooh and Tigger were hatching a plan to retrieve it. "Stuck!" said Asher, pointing at the kite. "Stuck!"
Genius, I say.
generalization...some adults don't have this skills!
too fun. your child IS a genuis!! not that we are suprised. :) and cute to boot. look out ladies. asher's got it all!
That's cute!
I bet he was so excited to make the connection with the words - that has to be awesome to witness. I think that's why I like teaching anything to kids!
Sam wanted to take me to Bass Pro Shop on our date nite one time (we like to do free things too)... since you thought it was cool I don't feel quite so offened by the suggestion!
If we could set it up I would really like for Brian to push me around Bass Pro while I stand up in a shopping cart too (I tried to get Laura to do it and she said some non-sense about me being 'too old'). I'm just throwing that out there.
So cute! Maggie says Tuck! Tuck! at least five times a day.
Hey, Bass sounds like a GREAT outing. My kids' favorite places in the world? Costco and Home Depot. I mean, who needs Disneyland??
Baby Bean is also a fan of the Bass Pro Shop.
May he always remember what it means to be stuck. I sometimes think we lose that ability.
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