Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Well, I drank as much water as I could possibly stand today, and took Tylenol Sinus religiously, and it worked. Which remedy worked, I can't say, but I don't care. I had a whole day without that cursed headache. That's enough.

In the meantime, Lane has been writing about race and education, and God bless him for rising above the mundane. Go read it if you haven't already.

And seriously Silas really did turn 180* last night. He is now kicking on the complete opposite side of my belly. Fascinating, don't you think?

Asher is beginning to act proud of himself. We encourage him to "walk away" from certain things (like blinds and dvd's). He'll turn away, then strut around clapping for himself. It's the best thing. Also, he is the funniest eater. We went to dinner tonight and I foolishly ordered a kid's grilled cheese for him. No fries, because he refuses to eat commercial french fries, but still, a grilled cheese and sliced tomato is a respectable dinner. No dice. He ate two bites of grilled cheese, then all of his and my tomatoes (I was happy to give them up). He then ate more honey dew, cantalope, and strawberries than you can imagine. But no grilled cheese. Last night he ate I don't even know how much, but a LOT of watermelon for dinner. If I want him to eat anything besides fruit, I have to hide the fruit until he has finished his other food. That's the only way I ever get him to eat any protein. I really can't begrudge the kid his body weight in fruit, though. I just won't buy any more grilled cheese for a while.

Last thing - tomorrow Nick and Laura find out the sex of their twins. Two boys. Fraternal. That's my guess.


Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

We often use fruit to coax Owen to eat his main course! He usually likes all of the food presented to him but would only eat fruit and drink milk if he had that option! He loves sweets! And bread is a new favorite as well :) I love that Asher claps for himself--so cute!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better ; ) I left a comment on Lane's blog too.

Stephanie said...

I won't steal Nick and Laura's thunder, but I will say, I am the worst at guessing the sex of babies. Pretty much if I guess something, you can assume the opposite will be true. This also applies to my own children - I have no sense about these things.