Sunday, March 02, 2008


The worst part about having limited internet access is that I only post after bedtime, when I'm spent. This morning I had so much to say, but by 8 p.m., nothing sounds quite as important or eloquent as it did twelve hours ago. So this is a post that could have been something, but instead it's just free association.

Mikkee and I were talking this week about finding satisfaction in the moment. It reminded me of how happy I am with my life - I'm doing exactly what I want to do. It's true that I sleep much less than I would like, but who cares. This is the life I want. Other times and places, I was always chasing an elusive goal - there was always something more or better just around the corner. For the first time, there is nowhere else I'd rather be. What a blessing.

I was driving to church this morning and realized - do you know what happened this week? The due date came and went. Both miscarriages had the same due date, and it was this week. And I didn't even notice. People told me this would happen, that it would be better in time, that dates would lose their sting. I never believed them until now. I've said it before, but healing is always supernatural, and it always surprises me.

Alabama is entering into the best two months of the year. March in Alabama is ... glorious. I love the spring, and I've never been more ready for it than this year. I am the least educated among us in church history, but it's my understanding that Christian celebrations originally corresponded with pagan festivals. Easter, the celebration of resurrection and new life, is perfectly situated in the center of Alabama spring. I can understand completely the need for pagan and Christian alike to celebrate the spring. The earth itself is coming to life; there's no better time to remember our own resurrection and salvation. I can't wait.

That's it. Easter, spring, satisfaction, and forgetting. Praise God for them all.


thailandchani said...

Great message.. and, yes, the earth is coming back to life and since we are part of nature, we begin coming back, too. :)

Angela said...

And the clocks spring forward soon too! Whoot!

Laura Mielke said...

I am looking forward to spring and summer as well. i usually dread the warmer months but for some reason this year I am really appreciating the changing in seasons... for a few reasons, baby A, baby B, and Zyrtec.

M'elle said...

I LOVE Spring in the south. If I could be so lucky as to choose the time of birth for all of my children, it would be March and April.

Heather said...

Me too, Steph. While at work, I think of so much to say. And, after I go to bed, I compose brilliant essays. When I actually am sitting here with the comp, eh...

Missy said...

I get you. My grandmas birthday was March 6 and she died on March 8. I just realized that today is March...something. Anyway I missed it. It took years for that to happen.

Healing is supernatural - I love that.