Friday, March 07, 2008

better. and louder.

I found the sale - thanks for digging around for me. I found out by running into a mom of twins in the store. How's that for advertisement?

Missy, I DID call my OB and beg for a z-pack, and they obliged, and I was grateful. It's been 24 hours since I started antibiotic and I'm feeling much closer to human. Thankfully.

Tomorrow, we're expecting snow. In March. In Alabama. Last weekend, Asher had on shorts. It's no wonder the entire state has a sinus infection.

As a bonus -

Asher has become a narrator in the car. About his language he is passionate (wonder where he got that?) and every word carries an exclamation point. This is especially cute because the sounds are almost identical, but if you are around him enough, you can differentiate them. He barks at every back yard (signifying my, "Yes, baby, dogs play in yards"), quacks at every bird in the air (all birds quack in Asher's world), and, most importantly, notices every (and I do mean EVERY) flag within eyesight. The flags are very important. All flags are worth noticing (as an aside, you have no idea how many flags you pass in a day until you ride with Asher - did you know fast food restaurants all have flags with their logos on them?), but American flags are the best. I am struck by two things: first, how observant he is, and second, how much Asher and I communicate, despite how few actual words he uses. The kid notices everything. And most of the day, he and I both know what the other wants. Isn't that something?


Angela said...

Oh, I miss having them this little. Lucky you. Excepting the sinus issue, of course.

Anonymous said...

kara beth LOVED flags too. I thought it was the strangest facination, but she would YELL everytime we drove past one...and you're right, there are SO many flags in the world. =) there was a lot of yelling in our car for a while. =)

glad you're feeling better!

and you guys are getting SNOW!?!?

Heather said...

I remember outings with Haydn before he was talking, and it was the same. He and I communicated. Neat, isn't it?

Catherine said...

Yes! Yes! I could post that on my blog verbatim...since our sons have the same name. That is TOTALLY where we're at. :)

Missy said...

Praise God for zpac! Today is my last day. Just be sure and take some probiotics too or at the very least eat a lot of yogurt.