Sunday, October 07, 2007


In honor of a quiet hour on a Sunday afternoon, this is what's on my mind today.

1. I got the bathroom unpacked by not interceding when Asher discovered, um, paper products only found in a woman's bathroom. I know, I KNOW, it was so wrong of me. But it's nontoxic, and he was content long enough for me to unpack at least two boxes, and, well, I promise not to bring this story up when he's fourteen.

2. I have a dilemma. Not a real dilemma, compared to Myanmar or Darfur. A pretend, middle-class American dilemma. My mom wants to buy us a new couch. Which is SO NICE, and SO FUN, except that all of my other living room furniture is second-hand, and you can't make a silk purse out of sows' ears. Any thoughts on mixing new and old stuff in a way that doesn't look silly? I'd love to hear them.

3. Is everybody following Georgia's Mom's trip through Israel? Is anyone else surprised that you can blog from the Sea of Galilee?

4. With all that is happening in my own little world, it would be easy to miss something important that happens this week. Carrie is moving. Carrie, who has prayed with me every week (more or less) since we came back to Alabama. We all have friends who like us, but if you're lucky, you find friends who GET you, too. Carrie and I GET each other. And even though I am convinced this move will be great for her family, I am really sad that she won't be close by anymore. With any luck, some day Carrie and I will live in the same town again. Maybe Asher and Kaylan will fall in love and get married and have babies that look just like Melinda (Carrie's sister - because all of HER babies do, oddly) ... since Georgia is practically a cousin, anyway.


Heather said...

I don't think the list I had was just for books banned in America or nation-wide. Some books are banned in certain schools or communities or other countries. Craziness, right?

Anonymous said...

awwww. Steph, you wanna move to Dothan!? =(