Monday, June 11, 2007

at your request

Because I was tagged - A few things you probably don't know about me (although some of you already knew some of these, right?):

1. I eat scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese for a fast meal. Actually, I eat spinach several days a week. I prefer it to leaf lettuce in salads.

2. I've started doing Taebo in my living room on weekday mornings. Today was day two. Here is what Taebo is like - did you ever sing Father Abraham at Bible school? Many sons had Father Abraham ... I am one of them, and so are you ... so let's just praise the Lord RIGHT ARM. Remember? And at the end, you'd be doing RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT FOOT LEFT FOOT NOD YOUR HEAD TURN AROUND and then, twirling and flailing, you'd sing - Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had Father Abraham. Yeah. That's Taebo. Except I also have an audience. Asher and Taylor (the queasy dog) sit on the edge of the rug and gawk at me. The best is when Asher grabs his feet while he watches - baby Taebo, I suppose. I swear sometimes I'm living in a movie.

3. I have a baked bean stain in the floorboard of my car from a hasty potluck dish gone awry. The combination of this and Taebo makes me the quintessential housewife.

4. I bungee jumped the summer after I graduated from high school. It was so safe it was practically a ride, not a sport, but still. I did it.

5. I was cruising right along with losing baby weight and then - wham. A plateau. I promised myself when I was 9 months pregnant and the size of a doublewide that I would quit being so critical of my non-pregnant body, so I've tried not to get too worked up over it. But I do have another 15 pounds I'd like to lose. Hence, Taebo.

6. This is more a question than a statement - what do you do, moms of toddlers, when a baby is too big for the infant carrier but not big enough to ride in the grocery cart? I wore him in the Snuggli today, and that seemed to go well. But it is summer in Alabama (in a drought, no less) and it is currently 97* at 7:21 p.m. What are my other options? So I guess the thing you probably didn't know is that Asher has graduated to a car seat. He's out of the detachable infant carrier completely. He has also cut one tooth and is trying his hardest to cut the one next to it (which I'm sure is why he wasn't sleeping a few weeks ago. He's sleeping much better now). As soon as they are visible to the non-parental eye, I'll post some pictures. One final baby thing - if anyone has a sling they are not using, I'd really like one. Or if you find one on clearance or at a yard sale or something, let me know. I have a cuddly baby, and even though he's outgrown the newborn stage when the sling would have been really helpful, I'd love to be able to strap him on my hip. I'm pretty sure he would be a good candidate for a sling.

7. I have been participating in a study about prejudice at Harvard. Anyone can do it - if you're interested, click here. It measures your response time to sorting words, so it's pretty much impossible to cheat, and it looks at attitudes about all kinds of things. So far it seems I prefer the underdog. I associate white men with guns (because they hunt, and are generally responsible for random mass murders, duh), I prefer the disabled to the able, the old to the young, and fat people over thin. I have no distinguishable preference between gay and straight people, and I prefer Barak Obama to Hillary Clinton. However, I do not associate Hillary Clinton with "bad", nor do I associate George W. Bush with "evil." Go figure. Anyway, if you're interested, it doesn't take long at all, and it's pretty interesting.

Now - Tag. You're it.


The Secret Life of Kat said...

Ok. Stephanie...that was HILARIOUS. I love the Taebo/Father Abraham connection. So funny.

I have a friend who brings a carseat with her and just puts her baby in the carseat at the store.

Liz said...

i didn't know you ever bungee jumped!! interesting

Heather said...

Oh, Steph, you are such a mom!!!

Cindy said...

Okay, I'm new to all this blog stuff. What does being tagged mean? I have to post things people don't know?

(Please excuse my newbie status)

Stephanie said...

Being tagged means answering the same question on your own blog - things most people don't know about you is the question of the day, apparently.

The Bean said...

they have the little covers that are soft and cushiony that you can put in the seat of the grocery cart to put the baby in if he's too big for the infant seat or if you want when you get to the store put him in one of the carts that has a built in infant seat. they work well. i just put a blanket down first.