Now. As I’ve said earlier, the hardest part about working at home is the routine nature of extraordinary tasks. So I’ve heard myself saying several times lately, “I should get an award for this!” I keep imagining a Harry Potter-esque scene, in which an owl swoops through a window and drops a roll of parchment. As I open it, trumpeters begin their fanfare and rabbits salute and a chorus sings, “Congratulations! You’ve just won the (insert appropriate award) Award!” I know, it’s like The Secret Life of Walter Mitty around here, but it gets me through the day. Here is an example of what I mean.
Because I followed my instincts - however reluctantly and after much encouragement from friends smarter than myself - my son naps beautifully now. Little fussing, flexible yet structured, and able to sleep wherever we are (except sometimes restaurants, because they’re always so loud and lively and what if he missed all the fun?). Had I not followed my instincts, the two of us would still be screaming and whimpering our way through the day. Congratulations! (cue the rabbit) You’ve just won the Happy Napper Award.
Trumpeters and owls notwithstanding, I’m really enjoying my life right now. Four months old is SO FUN. It’s full of sweet potatoey hands and squeals and chuckling at the dog (he’s always been a funny dog). In general, all is well in the Gates home.
I wish I had enjoyed my babies so much. This sounds wonderful. I will bring you an award soon.
You have quite the imagination crack me up.
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