1. I spent the weekend in Nashville. We hiked and drank gas station coffee on Belmont Boulevard (the irony did not escape me. Apparently no one in the Belmont/Hillsboro area lives by a baby's circardian rhythm, or Bongo Java - or any other of the MYRIAD of coffee shops - would be open before 8 am. I guess they're marketing to a, um, different crowd. One that has no need for coffee before noon) and drank what was left of a bottle of champagne (after it exploded on Mikkee - I didn't think alcohol could freeze!) and saw Jon and Mechelle's supercool future house. I was reminded of what a beautiful city Nashville is, how fun it was to live there, and how much I love the choices we've made. It was a good weekend.
2. Meanwhile, my baby is developing his own personality. It's so much fun to watch. I know that the novelty of my life will eventually wear off, but it hasn't so far.
3. Everybody needs a Sabbath.
4. I have developed a peculiar sensitivity to the way the South is represented in books and movies. The characters are usually flat, and this bothers me. Or, if they develop at all, it's a movement into the realization that they are capable of more than passing cornbread and drawling cliches. Come on, folks. Spend a little less time on the accents and trailer parks, if you please, and I will spend a little more time reading your book.
5. Having said that, my mom just published a book that I haven't yet read for entirely different reasons. I think my mom is brilliant and an excellent writer who has surpassed every goal she's ever set for herself. I learned both to read and to love reading from her, and I've read enough embryotic versions of Alabama Listening to know that I would love it. If it were just a story, that is. But for me it's not - it's about my family, too, and that changes everything.
6. I have become a mama bear, and Brian says I'm more bear than mama most of the time. Consider yourself warned.
7. Mikkee and I had a great conversation this weekend about being made in the image of God, and His encompassing nature that includes the maternal desires to nurture us. It was good for me to remember that - I'd become so aware of God's holiness that I was feeling pretty silly whenever I prayed. Remembering the tenderness of God helped. I could say much more, but once again, my time is up.
Happy Tuesday, everyone.
1 comment:
Sabbath is very important. VERY.
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