Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I don't usually do this, but it's my blog and I'll rant if I want to ...

1. Ever since August my hormones have been so screwy. I really hate that ... I hate to think that how I'm feeling (and make no mistake, boys, it's an actual real feeling that is no less real just because it's hormone related. It's like when you sneeze for six straight weeks, and someone says, "It's just allergies." Whoopee-freakin-doo. All that means is that you get to keep your cold indefinitely. But I digress) is directly related to hormone levels. If anyone has any magic natural solution to hormone screwiness, I'd really like to know it.

2. Since my hormones are screwy and I'm having a strange-feeling day and I don't want to get into what I'm feeling strange about (because it just doesn't seem like the kind of thing I want to share publicly), I'm going to share with you my number one all time biggest pet peeve. BRATS in public, especially in the (public) library. I used to think, it's just because I don't have kids that whiney ones get on my nerves. But now that I've lived with seven children for what? four months? and I've seen how it is possible for them to be actual human beings, both in public and at home, I have even less tolerance for kids screaming in libraries and church services. PLEASE. Discipline your children. They'll thank you for it - seriously. Everyone involved (including me) will be happier. The end.

3. Janet has been excerpting favorite Eclectic memories, and I loved that. I didn't even remember the things she wrote about (surprise surprise) but I loved reading it anyway. My favorite Eclectic memories? a). the stars in SC on the trip with Brian's group (anyone else remember this? Remember on the drive home, how Melinda was saying that I should marry Brian and how we all thought that was silly and never going to happen? =); b). the hundred million hamburgers eaten at the Laniers house, and Carrie and I simultaneously breaking into "Spades have been BRO-ken" loudly, and then laughing more than was necessary over the fact that we made the same corny joke at the exact same time; c). Chrysalis. The whole thing; d). praying in the sanctuary at EUMC; e). The entire group cracking up over Laurie's impressions of chickens. Good times.

4. At this point, I really don't even care what the decision is. I'm just ready to KNOW something about a church. When Halle and Todd came to KC, they had such a difficult time actually getting here and getting settled that they finally said, Ok, God, you've got twenty four hours. If something doesn't happen by the end of the business day tomorrow, I'm going back to Nashville. The next day they had a place to live. I'm beginning to feel the same way. I'm ready for a normal life.

That's all the ranting I have for now. I loved the Alabama conversation, by the way. It's funny how passionate everyone is about it. For the record: it's my home, and I love it because it's home, and I love the memories attached to it, and if the DOL family was all still there, then I'd probably love it still. I love the family and friends that I have in the area, and I'd really love to see my friends' babies grow up, and to be close to my niece, and to be called Aunt Stephanie. But something strange happens to me when I am there, and I don't like that. So maybe I'm going to live there again (well, I'm definitely about to hop to Slap-Out, but maybe I'll land there for good), or maybe I won't. I have no idea. Either way, if Alabama and I have had a fight, I've forgiven it.


Stephanie said...

Scooter, that's a great idea. I vow that I will not be irrational and/or irritable toward my sister just because she happens to be over the state line.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Steph, since being on Lexapro, I notice my PMS. The rest of the month is normal, but one week before Aunt Flo, I am a mess, emotionally. Figures, I have been PMSing all week this week.

Unknown said...

Minus 600 points for periods. Plus 200 points for non-weirdness pacts. I would LOVE it if we could all form one big non-weirdness pact with each other, worldwide. Think how great it would be...

Stephanie said...

The irritating thing about my hormones right now is that it lasts much longer than regular old hormone related stuff ... I get two good weeks and two bad weeks every month. Nice.