Tuesday, January 17, 2006

believing again

Here is your challenge:

"Praying is a fixed gig. In case you missed Sunday School, here's how it goes.
-Pray to God for something and you'll get it.
-If not, it's in his plan.
Can you see how this could be wrong? When is it God's responsibility to answer?
(referring to someone else) She's never had to be disappointed in God....or wonder is he real or does he just not care? Because you're drowning and every thought in your head is a cry to him and nothing is changing. Things have never really been bad (for her) ... so when could God prove her wrong?"

Here is the question presented to me: Either God doesn't exist, or He's going to do whatever He wants anyway, so what's the point in praying? And if you aren't going to pray, then what's the point in believing?

So I am presenting it to fellow believers: How do you reconcile your faith with the fact that sometimes God doesn't answer the way that we think he should? I'm not talking about when you wanted a puppy and your mom wouldn't let you have one - I'm talking about real stuff. Things that seem clear what the right answer should be - situations that you know a loving God could not want for anyone - that are never resolved. How, after that happens, do you pray again? And why WOULD you pray again? Think about it. Answer on your own blog, if you'd like, and post a link in the comments section. Or take up as much space in the comments as you'd like... I don't mind. Think about your answer, and I'll work on mine, too. We'll see where it takes us.

1 comment:

buf said...

I've come to look at Earth as an ant farm recently - Laurie's Holocaust example fits right in. He just watches, loves us and talks to us, listens to us, but occasionally shakes the ant farm, just to see what happens. Cause He can. Cause He's God and we're ants He created on a world He created, and it's really all up to Him - He does what he wants and if the ants don't believe in the ant farmer, does it really change anything?
-- Janet