Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Aslan, birthdays, music, and other news

Good morning.

I have written a good bit this week, but Wednesday is usually my blogging day, and I have such little routine right now that I don't really want to neglect this one. So, if you're interested, here's a little update on our external lives in Kansas.

1. Kansas is COLD. Yesterday, it was 27* (actual temperature) at 3 pm with serious wind gusts. A few nights ago, it snowed (not much, I'll admit, but I'm from Alabama. All snow is significant). It is supposed to snow again this weekend.

2. Friday is the oldest Searcy girl's birthday. She'll be nine. For her birthday, we're all going out to a farm to go horseback riding. This will be a great adventure, with one minor drawback. See #1 for more details.

3. I am reading the Narnia series (I'll admit it; I've given in to the Narnia media craze). I'm about 3/4 through "The Magician's Nephew"; it's the first time I have ever read any of the books. I loved the description of the creation of Narnia. Not to spoil any surprises for those who, like me, have never read them before, but Narnia is created out of Aslan's song. The imagery is SO good. Also, if you're against HP you must also be against Narnia; they are really similar.

4. A short neighborhood update: remember a few weeks ago, when I mentioned our neighbor's suicide? His wife and children have moved back to California. Through a somewhat unusual series of events, all of the children will get to stay together (his current wife and ex-wife are now living together). I'm glad for the kids, that they will have that measure of consistency. Todd is in touch with the family pretty regularly. The dead man's truck is parked at the end of the cul-de-sac, and we're the last house on the street, so when I look out the window I see his car. It is very eery.

5. I've bought a few CD's from the bookstore at IHOP, and have greatly enjoyed having fresh music. Between that and the new Crowder CD, I have been newly inspired. The "Home" quote from the prayer room came from a song by Grace Faulkner, in case you were wondering.

6. I just finished reading "Bondage Breaker" by Neil T. Anderson. Loved it.

7. We're headed home next week, and will be there until after the New Year. I'm going to miss the Searcys and Kansas, but I'm also really excited about being home long enough to see everyone in Alabama.

That's all. I know this is a pretty boring post ... I'll see what kind of controversy I can stir up for next week.


Liz said...

1. Yeah - coming from Alabama to a state where it snows is a hard transition - and it is no fun driving it for the first time either! =)
3. I cannot wait for the movie to come out - I am waiting for this ridiculous semester work to be over so I can re-read some of the books! =)
7. I know I wont actually be in Alabama - but I want to see you guys SO badly!! We will have to work out a time where you can squeeze me in between Nick, Starbucks and Mary. =)

Ciona said...

Not a boring post . . . nice to catch up with you, as I've been absent from the blogging world for a little while now.

I read the L, W and R as a child and don't remember liking it, but I wonder if I should revisit those lovely Chronicles now. Hmmm . . . probably on hold at the library. And I'm not really a big HP fan. But I do like the nonfiction offerings of C.S. Lewis. What to do? What to do?

Stephanie said...

hi emily labranche delikat,

is delikat a nickname or are you married now? what are you doing now? what a nice surprise!
