Monday, August 31, 2009

updates from my day that never quite made it to facebook

1. The marvel of tampons lies in the fact that they can entertain babies INDEFINITELY. Silas left a trail - Hansel and Gretel style - all over the house this morning. But how would I ever dry my hair without them?

2. Three hours of hanging out with just Asher, followed by an hour and a half of tantrums. If anyone understands the psychology behind this, I'm listening. (Brian is going to say, he's two. He defies explanation. And he's going to be right.)

3. Amos Lee, where have you been all my life? (Also, isn't Amos a GREAT name? But how many times was he called Anus in the third grade? That's the real question.)

4. I made tomato corn pie on Saturday. I liked it, but you would have to pair it with just the right meat (maybe smoked chicken) to serve as part of a meal. But as an experiment, it was nice.

5. I've been so excited about consigning this year that the cut-off date nearly passed me by. I SERIOUSLY need an intern to manage paperwork and deadlines.

I'm sure I have more, but I have been zapped of my powers by the 90 minutes of SCREAMING that directly preceded naptime. I'm going to sit very quietly in a dark room for a while. Happy Monday all.


Mercy's Maid said...

I Looooooooooove Amos Lee. I saw him perform at the Beale St. Music Festival in Memphis and yelled out to ask him if he would marry me. He did not respond. I'm sure he will get back to me on that any day now. :)

mary said...

Keep it loose, keep it tight :-) I will forever and always purchase every movie soundtrack that Zach Braff is involved with after Garden State.

Kendra said...

1274 times.

That's how many.

For sure.