Thursday, April 16, 2009

you take them both and there you have

Fact: Today, during daylight hours only, I -
- went out for breakfast with Brian and the fam
- completed an epicly horrible trip to the grocery store. Seriously really bad. Those women in the grocery store? Do not judge us. Some days are just like that.
- tamed an unruly holly bush by the front steps (and had the oddest allergic reaction. I pre-emptively took an antihistamine, but the prickly bush kept poking pollon into my skin, causing a hive everywhere it touched. It was like a natural allergy test. Weird).
- cut the back grass
- fed lunch
- watched 15 minutes of television
- kept two of the neighborhood children after nap (which was delightful, they really are no trouble)
- completed the late afternoon/dinner/bath/bedtime routine solo, and was even PLEASANT about it
- folded four days worth of laundry
- maintained some modicum of perspective in responding to my children. I want to teach Asher how to interact with Silas, rather than simply responding to his aggression toward him. I've read a little about it, but I have no real plan here. Anyone want to teach me how to help siblings build a relationship that is not centered on walloping one another? I need some help.
- remembered to put out the trash by the street for tomorrow's pick up
- bathed.
And both children were with me for all of it.
I am Mother, hear me roar.

Fact: I will never watch an episode of The Exterminators. Count on it. Rodents and roaches are cause for alarm. They are NOT entertainment - not even morbid fascination.

Fact: Silas James decided at 5:30 this evening that he had had enough. He just gave up and went to sleep, without dinner or bath or bottle. Just ... konked out. I know 5:30 is not an unusual bedtime for babies, but he has never once done that. Not even when he was two weeks old. Never.

Fact: We seem to have stubbed our toe on the theological fork in the road Monday night. It was inevitable I guess. Ephesians 2 and Grace Alone and nobody's going to change their mind, though I am so thankful no one takes offense to our differences. I have learned (and will continue to learn - I'm not going anywhere) so much from my Catholic friends, but this is where I am glad for Luther, and where my Protestant (not only Protestant, but Reformed) beliefs are confirmed. Still, it made for an interesting conversation.

Fact: This is among my all-time favorite photos ever.

Fact: I learned something important this week: I can get so focused on trying to do something perfectly that I lose the ability to do it well.

Happy Thursday.


Baron said...

See the joint declaration on the doctrine of justification, for help with your discussion on sola gratia, or grace alone.

There is no distinction between the Lutheran and catholic positions.

Therefore, you and your catholic friends can remain in perfect harmony on this doctrine!

Stephanie said...


Heather said...

If you figure out the sybling thing, please share. Right now, I make the boys hold hands for fighting. They hold hands until they start getting along.

baron said...

Really. Go check out the statement and some commentary. The statement was authored and issued specifically on the punt you guys were addressing.

There is no dispute between Catholics and mainline Protestants on this issue.

Stephanie said...

"In faith we together hold the conviction that justification is the work of the triune God. The Father sent his Son into the world to save sinners. The foundation and presupposition of justification is the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Christ. Justification thus means that Christ himself is our righteousness, in which we share through the Holy Spirit in accord with the will of the Father. Together we confess: By grace alone, in faith in Christ's saving work and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our hearts while equipping and calling us to good works."(

What do you know.

Do I misunderstand, then, the phrase "continual conversion"? And what I was told on Monday is that Christ redeems us and makes our salvation possible, but our response (through good works) ensures it. Would you speak to that?

Jason said...

Yall had a busy day ....
It was nice seeing everyone at breakfast Thursday morning....seeing the boys on the blog and then in person is a BIG difference. They are so big !!

baron said...

See the last 4 paragraphs of the above link for a starting point. What is being discussed in continual or continuous conversion is, again, shared by Catholics and Luther.

The only groups that disagree with this type of continual conversion are the "once saved always saved" crowd. Luther was no fan of that cheap grace.

I love your questions because they remind me of the questions I've had to answer over the past few years.

You can email me at baroncoleman AT gmail DOT com if you have questions you don't want to discuss on the blog comment section.

And I didn't mean to hijack your comment section, either...

Kendra said...

GREAT picture.

I too am grateful for Luther.

Carrie B. said...

your last fact is SO true about me too...never was able to put it that way though. thanks. =)

and I canNOT believe you did aLL that stuff with both boys with you. WOW. I am REALLY impressed. pat on the back! =)

Carrie B. said...

and that photo is AMAZING.

Jamie said...

Steph, Baron-
I want to see more hijacking!!
Or you can email it to me!
Love to you both,
Very sincerely....