Monday, February 16, 2009

It's been a full day. Isn't every day full, though? And I'm not even sure what I'm going to tell you, I'm just going to talk for a while.

We read Mark 10 tonight, and the story of the rich young ruler. I am struck every time by the way Jesus loved people - that He loved the rich man enough to invite him to be a disciple, and also enough to let him walk away. And when Peter, always passionate, always impulsive, asks, "Who then can be saved?" Jesus shows him compassion, not criticism. Our conversation evolved into money, sacrifice, how to follow Christ in the richest nation in the world, how not to get lost in the needle's eye. But I love the way Jesus loves people, leavers and devoted alike, and that's what's on my mind tonight.

Yesterday I was at a friend's lake house, and there is nothing like the camaraderie of being in the same station in life. All three families had children the same age. It's a blessing to be among those who understand a meltdown is not a referendum on parenting, and a conversation above the din is worth the effort it takes to have it. I was reminded, again, how love covers a multitude of sins, and that nothing is as pure as little blonde curls in the late afternoon sun.

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