Picture the scene. Silas is taking his morning nap, I've gone for a walk, Brian is making breakfast, and Asher is presumably entertaining himself in either his room or the living room, when Brian hears a proud "TA DA!" In our house, TA DA! is not to be taken lightly, so Brian rounds the corner into the living room, and finds this:

Apparently a rogue crayon escaped from the box yesterday afternoon, and found its way to the bookshelf, where Asher discovered it. If you study the picture, it's really pretty good. It looks to me like a man wearing a hat, playing guitar. Air guitar. And smiling. And standing in grass - angry grass.
Happy Wednesday, everyone.
i've heard magic eraser works wonders...
You can borrow our belt sander and paint brus...after we're done painting our family room ;)
Kids have a way of finding the one stray item lying around that they absolutely should NOT have, don't they?
Yeah. I know your pain. I know it in crayon, pen, and Sharpie.
This is why only the new washable crayons are allowed in our house. They are a gift from God.
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