Here is my happy baby, dressed up for his busy day.
I'll have to tape it for you soon, but that little boy coos and chuckles like it is his JOB. Isn't it kind of early for cooing? I can't remember, but I feel like it is.
Also, I have to brag on Silas a little. He hasn't slept in his room for the past three days because of company. Then, after company left this morning, we spent 13 hours away from home today. By the end he was definitely ready to be home, but overall he surprised me with how well he did. He smiled at strangers, patiently had a "snack" this morning instead of a full meal, tolerated the heat, and cooed practically on command. If only he could sleep (outside of the car) when we aren't home, we would be set. But really, considering his age and that his sleep had already been disturbed for a few days in a row, I couldn't believe how well it went (also, looking back on it, I can't believe I DID that. When Asher was Silas' age, it would never have occurred to me to take him out for a day of errands, followed by an afternoon at the lake, after three days of company. That is one of the biggest differences between first and second children. I just FORGET how little he is, and how much consistency he needs. Asher is so portable - and reasonably flexible - by now. But he certainly wasn't as an infant). Anyway, it was a good day, and he was a good sport. I was really proud of him.
We spent the morning at a consignment sale. In some ways, consignment sales are like the rings of hell, with their lack of air conditioning, warehouse atmosphere, endlessly crying babies in the background (not mine - he was asleep in the stroller, bless his heart), and long lines. But it pays off - I have complete winter wardrobes for both boys, one winter coat, a new bouncy seat, tennis shoes for Asher, a practically new toy stashed away for Silas for Christmas, and an impulse-buy train for Asher - all for less than 150$. I'm still looking for Halloween costumes (the bar was set so high by last year's), but otherwise, we're ready for fall. Yay for me.
And on that note, I'm off. My day started almost 18 hours ago, and I, too, was away from the house for 13 hours after three days of company. In case you are wondering, we aren't going to church tomorrow. We're going to watch cartoons and fold laundry and just be at home.
Happy Saturday, everyone.
Forget cartoons I expect that you will be watching WW, its good for you!!
PS-I totally FORGOT to tell Laura about the sale today...I'm such a bad dad
that first picture cracks me up - looks like he's going to start breaking out in a pub song or something! too cute!! :)
Elizabeth, he really does look ready to break out in a pub song. How funny. Nick, the sale goes on all week. It's not too late. Also, I am sure you're right; I'm sure a combination of cartoons and WW will be consumed this morning.
I can't imagine that it was an accusation. I bet that person was MERELY pointing out the obvious... I'm sure of it! ;) I am so glad to see some more pictures of that little guy! I can't get over how different they are! You have such beautiful boys! I LOVE them!
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