Long ago, we got a package in the mail from Lane and Mary, containing the coolest little dude-like baby shirt ever. And when Asher turned three months old, I took his picture in it. See?
Fast forward eighteen months. The heat has finally broken here (yay) and jeans and t-shirts are in order again. So today, on Silas' three month birthday, I put him in the same t-shirt and jeans Asher is wearing in that picture. Then I remembered it was his three month birthday. AND I remembered the picture of Asher. I am trying very hard to just let Silas be his own person, and not compare him to his brother all the time. Even so, I couldn't help myself. I had to get a picture.
In other news, I mentioned Friday that Silas was really tired. Friday and Saturday were hard days for him, but by this afternoon - after basically 72 hours of having nothing expected of him except to eat and sleep - he was better. We had an exceptionally peaceful bedtime hour, even with me working solo tonight. That was a nice surprise.
But seeing him in his brother's clothes reminded me that when Asher hit three months, we entered naptime HELL. Part of it was my fault, but even when I corrected my role in keeping him awake, he would still cry 30-45 minutes before/during every nap. I have all of these pictures from that month of Asher falling asleep in random places - in the recliner, in the swing, because he had the hardest time settling down that month. This weekend, Silas cried 10-15 minutes before falling asleep (if we were lucky - sometimes he never fell asleep, just cried through his nap time). And, as I just mentioned, he is three months old today. Several of you have researched sleep and babies more than I have. Do you have any insight into this? Is there something about three-month-olds and sleep I don't know about? The other thing I remember about that spring with Asher is that after the month of naptime HELL he settled into a great routine and kept it. Is this just part of making the transition into a nap schedule? Anyone have any thoughts?
Moving on -
Here are a few more pictures from today:
Doesn't this remind you of Seargent Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band? It's wonderful to be here, it's certainly a thrill ...
Brian and Asher wore matching outfits today. I also put Asher and Silas in similar outfits when possible. Yes, I am that mother. I don't ever tell Brian what to wear - any more than he tells me - but if I see what he's wearing, and know that Asher has something similar, I dress him like his dad. Asher loves it - Asher loves doing anything his dad is doing - and it's the closest to dressing up a baby doll I may ever get. But no matter what they were wearing, I would love this picture:
Happy Sunday.
At some point I'm going to have to do something about how public my blog has been, with pictures and with embarrassing information. Because if he doesn't find it, guaranteed his little girlfriend who googled him will. It's not like you meet many brothers named Asher and Silas.
i love all of these pictures! they are so cute!! especially the srgt. pepper! haha
Your two babies look a lot alike at 3 months! I hope Silas takes to 3-month-napping better than Asher did. I am sorry, but I have no advice other than to keep to a schedule so he knows what to expect. Nothing worked for us...Olivia just figured it out on her own. Now she sleeps so amazingly well (but only at home), and we have no idea how that happened.
HA! I was coming to comment about how I STILL can't get over how DIFFERENT Silas and Asher look! =) And Silas' smile makes his whole face change. So cute!
And about sleep--what I know is this: nighttime sleep establishes at 2 months, daytime sleep at 4. SO, I'm guessing that in between 2 and 4, there is an adjustment happening that helps them prepare to be in a routine for daytime sleep. ??? nothing scientific, but maybe helpful. =)
If there is anything I have gotten good at, it is getting babies to sleep when I want them to. For the most part.
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