Sunday, May 04, 2008

on choice

I've been thinking today about the concept of choice.  Asher, budding toddler that he is, is much more likely to follow directions if he's given a choice, rather than a command (though the choice is often something like, "You may walk away or you may go to your bed," it's still up to him what he does).  I'm the same way.  If I feel like I'm choosing to do something, rather than being told to do it, I am much more likely to do it willingly.  

As a parent and as a Christian, I start to think of this as stubbornness.  But I think it's the part of human nature that most glorifies God.  Implicit in love is choice.  If love has been demanded, it's not love.  It's servitude, maybe, but not love.  And the fact that God has created us with the ability to choose is astounding.  I could choose to walk away from God just as I chose to follow him.  But I don't.  I can choose my attitude, I can choose my actions.  I can choose my responses.  All of these are within my control.  And it is in the choosing - to trust God, to believe Scripture, to serve others - that God is glorified.  

Thanks be to God for choice.

(As an aside, I will be your best friend if no reformed theologian brings up sovereignty or predestination.  I already know that this post is looking at one side of an incredibly complex coin, and I really do not think debating the issue will be fruitful to any of us.  None of this is to take away from the sovereignty of God.  But we can't deny our ability to choose, either.  Please let's just leave it at that for today.)


Heather said...

You already know how this relates to my life lately. I think I need to blog about it.

I also need to take my Lexapro tonight. After 2 days of forgetting it, I am having toruble choosing to NOT scream at my stubborn 3 year old. When give a choice, "You can either go into the nursery and play or go to Daddy's office for a spanking," he chose to sit ont he floor, scream and kick and cry. Fun for all.

Anonymous said...

Benjamin, given a choice, chooses both.

"Banana or blueberries?"

"Bana bluebellies!"

Missy said...

I am a big fat reformer who strongly believes in election, and I loved this post. :)

Have you read Love and Logic? They talk about choices a lot. It works.