Wednesday, April 02, 2008

some things you may care about, some things you probably won't.

1. So one of my non-blogging pregnant friends told me water makes a big difference in her energy level. Since she is generally more health-conscience than I am, and since I have not been drinking as much water as I used to, I've decided to take her advice. She drinks 3 liters of water a day. So I bought a water bottle yesterday and was a little disconcerted to realize that after 3 liters of water today (not including glasses of water at lunch and dinner) I did not have to pee more than the average pregnant woman. Um, obviously my body needed some water. In general, my energy comes in spurts, and I am trying to appreciate and use it when it's there, and sit down when it's not (when sitting down is an option). I'm going to stick with the water thing for a while either way, though, just for the general well-being of Silas and me.

2. Another one of my non-blogging friends had a baby this morning. While none of you know her, healthy babies are always news worth sharing. No name yet, but a healthy little boy was born at 5:30 this morning. And she did not have to be induced, to her great pleasure. She was hoping to avoid induction, and this time - her third birth - she did.

3. Someone posted an advertisement on Craig's List giving Brian's cell phone number and promising a free autographed copy of Hannah Montana memorabilia. Was it any of you? If so, that's the best April Fool's joke ever. Hilarious.

4. Last night I had a dream that Asher kept crying just as I was dozing off (which is not outside of the realm of possibility, but fictitious last night, at least). At 2:45 a.m. I woke Brian up telling him to give the baby Tylenol already, so that I could go to sleep. When he tried to appease me and roll over, I sat up and said, "Why are you still in bed? Go!" So, because he is good to me, Brian got up and checked on Asher. The kid was so asleep that when Brian moved him a little, he didn't even squirm. He came back and reported that all was well, but by that time I was already asleep again. Poor Brian. He still has three more months of this, followed by postpartum hormones to look forward to.

5. Some of you said something similar a year ago, but at the time, I couldn't imagine it to be true. But I think the second year of babyhood might be more fun than the first. A year ago I was lamenting sleep and generally way too uptight about the minutia of infant care. But he is learning so much right now - making new associations and learning new words every day - and it is really fun. Plus, I LOVE one nap a day. It's going to be sad to have to stay at home again in the mornings for Silas. If we spend all morning at home, by about 10 am Asher starts saying, "Bye bye?" As in, hello? Isn't it time to go somewhere? It's a fun time in his life and a pretty time of year to do it.


Stephanie said...

I started wondering after Brian told me about the calls ... fortunately Alabama is behind the times, and Craig's List isn't as big here as it is in other places. Only two calls today. We thought it was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Not to cause alarm, but please check the type of bottle that you purchased. If it is a Type 7 Polycarbonate (a standard Nalgene Bottle), I would recommend that you discontinue usage during your pregnancy. You can check the type of plastic by the Recycle Symbol followed by 7 and PC.

There is growing concern that this type of plastic can cause leeching over time of BPA. There is a huge debate about it, better to err on the side of caution.

A better alternative is HDPE (Type 2).

Google Nalgene BPA for more info.

Secondly, I hope the April Fools joke was enjoyable to all.

amanda said...

I am soooo using that joke. Hilarious. And thanks for the update on the water. I was wondering if that worked. Why am I always so skeptical about healthy things? Is it an alabama thing?

Anonymous said...

that is a GREAT april fools joke...especially just thinking of BRIAN having Hannah Montana memorabilia...THAT alone makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

that is really funny! imagine brian at a hannah montanna concert. whoo boy!

also, randomly, there was something on the HK news tonight about this study these two scientists from Penn. did about how there is nothing to support that large amounts of water are good for you. interesting.

Laura Mielke said...

just saying hi.