Saturday, April 19, 2008

best laid plans

We had big plans for our day.   We were going to the Alabama Book Festival.  Joshilyn Jackson and Clifford were there, and it was the kind of day in Alabama that makes you want to be outside, and we loved the Book Festival last year.  So.  We picked up Asher from his grandma's (where he spent last night, because he needed a break from the demands of his parents).  His grandma was babysitting a toy yorkie puppy which could not possibly weigh more than two pounds, and Asher has never been happier.  It's a toy!  It's a puppy!  No!  It's a toy puppy!  Is there anything better?  Probably not.  Anyway, between pancakes with Grandpa and the toy! puppy! and the gloriously springish weather and Grandma's backyard, the kid was PUMPED.  We told him about going to see Clifford (one of the few characters he knows) and even washed his face before we got in the car, so excited were we about the festival.  Asher rode out of the neighborhood listening to the Indigo Girls (because the Indigo Girls are springtime music in my world), enjoying the wind, and generally pleased with life.  Like so:

But by the time we were out of the neighborhood, the excitement of the morning was fading, and he started asking for his blanket and pacifier. And by the time we were downtown, the kid was sound asleep. Now, I love a good festival - not to mention a Clifford sighting - probably more than most, but timing is everything. And a poorly timed Clifford is markedly less fun than no Clifford at all. So we drove home instead. Maybe next year.

Speaking of bumbling plans, I have hit a plateau in my New Year's resolution on new recipes. I've tried several of the ones you sent in January, and most of my cookbooks read like a church potluck dinner. Potluck food is fun twice a year, but sausage-cheese-fat stroganoff is not our idea of a nutritious dinner, and I'm somewhat confined by Brian's digestive abilites. Any suggestions? I did, however, eat a new recipe tonight that was SO good - strawberry cream pie. Perfect for summer.

And then we have upcoming plans: tomorrow our church is focusing on music and worship. We aren't really a cantata kind of church, but some of our friends from Birmingham are coming down to lead part of the music, one of the college girls on the worship team is leading the rest, and members of the congregation are painting (it's the picture of Jesus thing, for the Junaleska folks). Also, Brian is teaching. He hardly ever does that, but he's talking about worship, about which he is passionate and knowledgable. Anyway, tomorrow is going to be a good day.

I'll close with a few bonus pictures of Asher cutting our grass:

and the neighbors grass:

Enjoy your Sabbath.


Anonymous said...

The last picture is my favorite! His little arm out in the air like he's singing "Hi-ho hi-ho its off to work I go!" Precious!

Sorry you missed out on Jackson today - I was hoping you could tell me all about it! Oh well.

Hope tomorrow (today?, yesterday for me..haha) goes great! Wish I could hear Brian teach!

Heather said...

Joss didn't get to Jackson this year. Sad. Can't wait to snag her new book. I usually buy it hardcover and have her autograph it. Now, to get her siggie, I will have to order it online and pay shipping. Le sigh... I had gotten spoiled.