Monday, March 24, 2008

The time at the tone is 5:51 a.m., and I have slept approximately 4 hours tonight, from 10 pm until 2 am. For whatever reason, at 2 am, my body decided today was a new day, and since then I have been up. I've watched three episodes of West Wing and read every single one of your blogs. Again. Since I'm going to be up either way, I thought I'd say hello.

If you haven't already seen them, I posted Easter pictures in the post below and in the family photos link.

So here's my latest question for moms: Asher has hit separation anxiety, and in general is in a mama-phase. Separation anxiety is so normal that we check for it on developmental tests at 15-18 months (Asher is 15 months), so I am not worried about it, really. It's just - cumbersome. He doesn't cry when we leave him, but he gets so anxious when we're gone, that everything else makes him cry. This morning they came and got me after 45 minutes of tears. Well, they didn't come to get me, exactly. We're part of a small church, remember, so we don't have a number system. But someone from the nursery was walking him around, trying to settle him down, and from the outside foyer I heard "MAMAMA" followed by "GAR" (which means 'guitar'). He saw us through the window. I know that when I go back to the nursery, I am reinforcing that crying works, and will make this phase last longer. And he needs to learn that he's okay, even when we're not around. But I've also been on the other end, and a chronically crying baby is no fun at all for those stuck with him in the nursery. Should I leave his blanket with him? Should I make him - them - tough it out? It's also exascerbated by the fact that Sunday morning is the only time he's in public without a family member (he's with his grandma all the time, but she doesn't count, apparently), so it's going to take a little longer. I'm okay with that part. I'm just not sure how to help, or if I should. When your kids went through this, what did you do?

Otherwise, all is well. I take Tylenol Sinus along with my two prenatal vitamins every day, and that has helped stave off the headache. It must have been allergy. Brian is SUFFERING with them, earlier this year than ever before. This is the bad part of living in an old neighborhood. All of those huge magnolias and fifty-year-old azaleas are blooming, which is beautiful, but not so good for the allergies. So, between the allergies, pregnant plus sleep-deprived wife, clingy little boy, and six hour round-trip drive for work, Brian has a lot to look forward to this morning, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Well, I do recommend Excedrin for headaches, as I'm sure you know, but if Tylenol works for you I won't complain.

When we were still in Dothan and my allergies were probably worse than they'd ever been, one of the doctors in the church told me to start a regimine of Claritin-D (which you have to get behind the counter) and regular Claritin.

As for baby separation disorder (BSD), I don't have much advice but I do know that I usually soothe my worries with ice cream. This might cause baby weight disorder (BWD) in the future, however.

Nick M. said...

I don't about for headaches but as far as allergies go Mrs. M has had TREMENDOUS success with over the counter Zyrtec.

M'elle said...

Local honey. And, no, I'm not using a term of endearment.
If you can find someone who makes honey in your/our area, you can take a spoonful everyday. Kind of acts like an allergy shot. The local bees pollenate the flowers, etc. in your area and make the honey from that. It combines all that you might be allergic to.
It's a very natural form of dealing with allergies, but you may not be into that. I, however, am one who likes to try crazy things like ear candles for ear aches.

M'elle said...

Oh, and sleep. Sleep will help with the headaches, I bet. ;o)
Now, where you can buy some over-the-counter-and-into-the-bed sleep, I don't know....

Laura Mielke said...

I was just about to say Zyrtec has changed my life - this is not an overstatement. OTC now - take one before bed and you will be amazed the following day. I do this everynight night... not just "when you need it" like other OTC. I was prescribed several months ago but like I said it is OTC now and cheaper than then. PLUS it is a Class B drug (safe for pregnancy).

The Bean said...

I don't really have allergies so I'm afraid I would be no help there. Baby Bean did however go through about a 1 month period of separation anxiety but that was about it. I would have Mr. Bean take her to nursery and drop her off because she wasn't nearly as attached to him at the time as she was to me.

Catherine said...

I too have had sleepless nights and tried to say "hello" to some on my blog...I hope you're sleeping better now...

My Asher is going through seperation anxiety right now too. It started about 17 months and is still going strong - and like you, shows it primarily at church nursery time. Unfortunately this also coincided with our church going through significant changes including loss of friends, toys, and building, so he had no history to connect him to the new room. So...we pretty much haven't left him since then. He gets REALLY scared...I try...we take baby steps...but don't really make progress...

Anonymous said...

definitely let him have the blanket!!! and, going back doesn't teach that crying works -- it teaches that you will always return eventually.

Missy said...

I was at the dr with a sinus infection couple weeks ago and he told me to take a Claritin every night. I have, and after about a week, I could totally see a difference. I'm a believer now.

I am sure Zyrtec is fabulous but whew, expensive. Claritin has the off brands and works for me.

I can't tell you much re separation anxiety. None of mine have had a problem with it. They are all such extroverts. I will say, to go with your gut. Sometimes you need to let them go, but sometimes your mommy instinct will tell you that what that child needs right now is his mother's arms. And when that happens, go with it.