Monday, March 17, 2008

it's spring

Hi all. I'm still around. It's one of those weeks that I've been busier living life than talking about it, but all is well. Now that the time has changed and the sun is back out, we're outside most of the day. Which has me sneezing but in love with life all over again, just the same. Silas is kicking like it's his job (and I guess it is), Asher is growing an opinion, and I have discovered Little Einsteins, which is the best early childhood television show ever. It's the only educational program talking about tempo and melody, rather than vowels and numbers. Last week Asher was mooing Ode to Joy along with the characters. What I would have given to have the video camera charged and ready in that moment (that is the story of my life with the video camera, which is why I rarely ever bother with it at all). Even though some studies show that most of what young children learn from television programs is character recognition (preparing them for a successful future in consumerism), on the off chance that Asher does pick up something useful, maybe he'll begin to see how much more there is to learn than letters and numbers.

Also, anyone have any insight into low blood pressure during pregnancy? If you know something about it, please share, because I'd like some more information. My blood pressure has been consistently low (98/58 yesterday) the past few days. I don't think it's dangerous for Silas, but it's making me feel weird. What's that about?

This week is Holy Week. It's my favorite time of the year. I love the story we're celebrating and I love that we celebrate resurrection in the spring. I also love all of the little trappings, lilies and baskets and such, and Asher has a newfound love for plastic eggs.

That's it. Little Einsteins and Holy Week - that's the best I have to offer at the moment. What do you love this week?


Missy said...

All I know is that my regular bp is 110/60, and often when I am pg, it goes lower. So, maybe 105/60, which is very close to where you are. And no one ever cared, even when I would say "wow, that's low!" (Shrug shoulders)

I guess they only give their attention to those high bp girls.

Cindy said...

My normal bp is where you are now. That doesn't help with your low bp and pregnancy question, but whenever I have asked my doctor about if my bp is too low (I usually register somewhere in the low 90s/60s) he just makes a joke about how as long as it's not high I shouldn't worry about it.

Cindy said...

p.s. found this on
Unlike high blood pressure, low blood pressure is defined primarily by signs and symptoms of low blood flow not by a specific blood pressure number. Some individuals may have a blood pressure of 90/50 with no symptoms of low blood pressure and therefore do not have low blood pressure. However, others who normally have high blood pressure may develop symptoms of low blood pressure if their blood pressure drops to 100/60...

Low blood pressure in healthy subjects without symptoms or organ damage needs no treatment. However, all patients with symptoms possibly due to low blood pressure should be evaluated by a doctor. (Patients who have had a major drop in blood pressure from their usual levels even without the development of symptoms also should be evaluated.) The doctor needs to identify the cause of the low blood pressure because treatment will depend on the cause. For

And one more snippet from a pregnancy website:
It's not uncommon to feel lightheaded or dizzy occasionally. When you're pregnant, your cardiovascular system undergoes dramatic changes: Your heart rate goes up, your heart pumps more blood per minute, and the amount of blood in your body expands by 40 to 45 percent.

During a normal pregnancy, your blood pressure gradually decreases in the beginning, reaching its lowest point in the middle of your pregnancy. It then begins to rise, returning to its regular level by the end of pregnancy.

Most of the time, your cardiovascular and nervous systems are able to adjust to all these changes, but occasionally they don't, which can leave you feeling lightheaded or a bit dizzy. If you actually faint, it could be a sign that something is wrong, and you should call your practitioner.

Stephanie said...

When I'm not pregnant, my blood pressure is usually textbook perfect - 119/80. The biggest thing is that I've had a headache and been dizzy when I bend down (which is all the time with Asher) since Friday. I know these are probably normal symptoms, but I really would enjoy not having a headache any longer.

Thanks for looking that up Cindy. I guess if it normally drops, mine probably is doing what it's supposed to do.

Anonymous said...

The studies may show that they pick up character recognition, but Zachary has picked up quite a number of classical tunes from Little Einsteins. He sings them and recognizes them when he hears them. The boys love that show.

Anonymous said...

I love the whole concept of rebirth and awakening. And two days off from work ain't bad either. Feel better Stephanie. Definitely weird. And I'm clueless about that kind of thing.

buf said...

I love that Asher's growing an opinion :) I have zero advice about blood pressure, however. I'm noooo help! - xo jane'

The Bean said...

My blood pressure is always sky high for the first reading and then they lay me on my side for a couple minutes and it goes back to text book. I don't know why but it only does that when I'm pregnant. I also swell like no tomorrow. Last time my feet were so big by the end that I had to buy boys shoes and unlace them to get my foot into them. Attractive, huh? :)

Laura Mielke said...

I don't know what to tell you about BP. As for Holy Week - I just made the comment today on how I love Easter Sunday because it is kind of like the Christian New Year's - we recognize Christ's suffering and victory on the cross and feel new. This week I love ... blogs. I have my own little folder of blogs I read and it makes me happy.