Monday, March 31, 2008

my life is good

It only took me the better part of three years to figure out how to post pictures in the sidebar, but at last I have succeeded. What do I win?

There are very few things in life that are predictable, so I'm always a little surprised at how ordered pregnancy is. At week 13, like clockwork, the symptoms of early pregnancy disappear. And as I am nearing the end of the second trimester, set your very slow watch by it, my second trimester energy is diminishing. I feel very, very pregnant all of a sudden. Not big, so much, but just - I'm suddenly aware that all of my available energy is going into growing and chasing babies. This morning, by the time both Asher and I were showered and fed, the breakfast dishes were done, the diaper bag was packed, and the car was loaded, I was ready for a nap. It was only 8:30 a.m. Knowing that I'm not even big yet, and that it's not even hot out yet, and I already feel this way, makes me want to cry. Then take a nap.

Every pregnant woman I have ever known at some point has said to me, "I am never doing this again." Most of the time they don't mean it. So don't take me too seriously. I love the result. Really, it does no good to ask me how many babies I want to have, because I want as many babies as possible. What you should ask instead, if you want a true estimation of the direction of our family, is, how many c-sections do you want to have? How long do you want to be emotionally unstable? How many miscarriages are you willing to potentially have? How many major life changes do you want to have? That would be a truer measure. Babies are priceless. But all that it takes to have a baby - that's different.

In the meantime, Asher refuses to stop growing up. He's morphing into his own little person, and vacillates between doing the opposite of whatever I ask of him and clinging to my legs. It's all part of developing an identity, I know, and most of the time I have the patience for it, but it makes for some funny moments. My favorite this week was on Saturday morning, when he was trying to pull something from the kitchen counter. This is Not Okay in our house, so I told him no and moved him away from the counter. In response, he bit me. BIT me. Which earned him a trip to his bed, of course. Normally, when he's put in his bed he protests, but this time, there was silence. I walked out of his room and heard, rather than tears, a little voice calling, "Daaa." As in, "Dad, I pissed Mom off, will you come rescue me?" I was so glad I was already out of the room, because there's no way I could have kept a straight face for that. Brian responded, "When you bite your mom, you're on your own kid."

So, my life is good. I keep chanting that phrase because it's the truth. I can forget it in the moment, but a frustrating or exhausting moment is not the same as discontentment. My life is good. My life is good.

Happy Monday, everyone.


Nick M. said...

Great post. Life is definitely good for all of us. We may be a pregnancy behind you guys but we thought that based on your example we would play catch up all at once. My prayer for you this week is that you can find some secret stores of energy to get you through.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking today how I am feeling less tired. Oh, I remembered, I hit thirteen weeks yesterday.

Yep -- Daddy's protection runs out about the time those teeth sink in.

MI class 2007 said...

Pictures on the sidebar AND post labels. You win....well, I'm not sure what, but you should certainly win something. :)

I'm sorry you are so tired - but don't feel bad about taking as many naps as you can!!

And I'm with you - I would have had a hard time keeping a straight face when Asher called for dad. Sometimes, I think the hardest thing about being a grown up around children is not laughing when we are supposed to be serious!

The Bean said...

any suggestions for indigestion? That's about my only problem so far and it is horrible at night. Tums is not working.

Stephanie said...

Emily, the thing that helped me with heartburn was sleeping elevated (I had mine when I went to bed). Tums never did much for me, either. So far I haven't had much heartburn this time, but I'm carrying this baby much lower than Asher, so I think that's been the difference.

Laura Mielke said...

i have just recently gotten the heartburn thing. and i think i am carrying the babies high so i guess that does make a difference, however tums has worked ok for me, chewing 4 at a time like every hour. but anyway. nice post and pics. oh... and i agree with you. for me everything has been so instant as far as noticing changes. the day i 16 weeks i felt like i had grown the bump over night. fatigue ended at 13 weeks. heartburn at 20 and so on. neat. sorry you don't feel as energized as before.

amanda said...

Thanks for saying you need to chant 'my life is good' sometimes to remind yourself. I needed to hear that...and it is encouraging to know that I am not the only one that forgets. Pregnancy tiredness is the is a hormonal tired, a sick tired. it is a tired that can not be cured by taking a nap or getting 20 hours of sleep a day. I will pray for you...

Anonymous said...

Yes. Life is good. I"m happy for you.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Life is good. I"m happy for you.