Sunday, November 18, 2007


This morning I've been thinking about the man Jesus, and how little Christians talk about him, myself included. Why is that? It's ironic that for all the good and bad that has been done in His name, the man Jesus is as ignored or misunderstood now as He was then.

And I've been thinking about the verse that says, Religion God finds pure and faultless is this: to look after widows and orphans in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

So that's what I have to offer this morning - ignoring Jesus and pure religion.

Happy Sunday everyone.


Anonymous said...

I'll tell you, it always strikes me that I think more about the example Jesus set than some Christians I know. Why is that? Is it easier for me to admire him from the outside?

thailandchani said...

You'd think that people would pay more attention to Jesus' words and less attention to using religion to support a corrupt culture and system.

It always struck me as interesting that Jesus turned down the position of leading the Jewish Rebellion.

That says a lot right there.

Heather said...

My religion is this: Love God. Love Neighbor. The End.

Stephanie said...

I agree with you both. Modern Christianity focuses a good bit on the symbol of Christ, but not on the man Jesus.

But I also see the beauty in it - Jesus himself said, "Narrow is the road that leads to life, and few will find it." I think He was talking about Himself. In any circumstance, with any group of people, no matter how devout - Jesus is hard. God is easier, values and philosophies are easiest. Following Jesus is always hard.

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

Good question...Why is it that we let the world pollute our lives so much? Why don't we talk about Jesus more? I'm guilty of this too. Thank you for making me take a moment to think more about these things this week. :)

mikkee said...

i agree too. i know that i often refer to "God" in the generic, but when i think about my relationship it is with Jesus. he was and is, and i think that due to my past, i understand Jesus' love for me best b/c i have had amazing friends who have exemplified his love and sacrifice to me.