Wednesday, September 26, 2007

hump day hmmm: good thing going

The other day I was rocking Asher, looking at his perfectly smooth little forehead, and thinking about how often I have held him. Nine months old, I kept thinking. Did I have enough fun at four months, or six? Did I pay enough attention? Did I enjoy it enough? You know what? I really did. I have thought many times that memories of his babyhood will be mine, not his. He will (hopefully) have the benefits of the time we've spent together, but he won't remember being rocked to sleep when he was nine months (or six weeks, or four months) old. But I won't ever forget it.

* * *

Have I mentioned this week how much I love my church? Or how much they love and value children? Last Sunday I was late (of course) so I was standing in the back, Asher on my hip. He was busy bouncing and waving to the music, and I was busy trying not to drop him, when my pastor, standing next to me, says, "I read your blog from time to time. Your whole life is wrapped up in him right now. It's a beautiful thing. You'll never forget this season. I am sad for the women who don't get to do what you're doing right now." I am too. I'd say I've got a good thing going.


Julie Pippert said...

Look at that gorgeous happy round little fellow! He just begs for a laugh and squeeze, he's so cute.

You are a wise mom to know this time will be your memories, and to enjoy it.

You do have a good thing going. :)

P.S. Wow your pastor knows you have a blog and reads it! Wow!

Using My Words

Anonymous said...

You sure do. You surely do.

M'elle said...

I don't know why, but this post made me cry. Not many do. What a darling baby. I'm glad you know a good thing when you see it!

Heather said...

Your pastor made me smile.

Anonymous said...

This makes me want to go wake up my babies and hold goes too fast!!!

Liz said...

if those moments mean that much to you know, just imagine how much they are going to mean 10 years from now?! :) you have such a precious gift, both in your child, and being able to be with him as much as you are. thanks for sharing him with us! I love that last picture!!