Sunday, August 19, 2007

the week in pictures

Elizabeth came to visit this week. While she was here, Asher was busy working on a couple of milestones. Such as -
* He clapped his hands yesterday for the first time. This is one of those things that child development people care about much more than parents, usually. It is the first time both sides of his brain have worked together to coordinate a movement. It's a really important cognitive skill. So we threw a little party yesterday morning, which mostly included the three of us singing, "Your brain is great! Yay!" while Asher laughed at his parents and clapped his hands.
* He woke up yesterday morning saying, "Aah." It's not a sound I can spell correctly - you need the inflection. It's like a "huh?" or "what?" It's SUPERCUTE. And, according to Asher, it fits almost any conversation.

He's been a little out of sorts since Thursday, though. Not sleeping well, bad diapers, etc. This morning, staring at Pedialyte options in the grocery store, I called Georgia and Sawyer's mom. She wasn't home, but her husband Steve was extremely helpful. It was his idea to do something fun! with the drink, to make it more enticing. Yay for Steve - you were right. It totally worked.

So, that's that. We had so much fun with Elizabeth, but that is stating the obvious. Now Asher's all partied out and needs a little normal life. Normal life. Imagine that.


Heather said...

How fun. My goodness, Liz's hair has gotten SO long.

Nick M. said...

The shadow in the picture of Asher with the sunglasses is almost just right to look like he has a little baby mohawk going on there. Might be something to consider for the future. He would be the envy of all the fashion forward chicks (his dad's word not mine) at the sandbox.

Anonymous said...

What cute pics!

My kids were both absurdly late hand clappers. The younger learned to clap just shortly before learning to SAY "clap."

buf said...

I like how you call her Georgia and Sawyer's mom to alleviate Stephanie Squared confusion :) cute!