Tuesday, July 17, 2007

process stories

* Here's something funny - the women in my life who know specifics about the fuel behind my post yesterday are saying, "Tell them off! Speak up!" While the men are saying, "Be nice. Stay calm." I'm sure that says something significant, but at the moment, I have nothing more than the observation to offer.

* It's a funny thing, how sleepy a baby can be, and yet refuse to nap. My son, who was rubbing his eyes and yawning 45 minutes ago, is still happily babbling in his bed. Why is that?

* I need your input on something. What is the danger of posting pictures/names/personal information about my child on the internet? I understand the protection against online predators, but that seems less likely with babies. What risks am I taking by being so open about him? Should I stop?

* There is an interesting article in New York Times today about Barack Obama's fundraising tactics. Does anyone else think that the fascination with the process this go-round is connected to the popularity of the West Wing? I am reading this article, asking questions like "102,000? Is that the mean, or the median?" Would I have ever cared about this article before I became obsessed with Josiah Bartlett and his staff? Probably not. If I'd read it at all, I would not have understood it. But now I understand the significance, if not all the data and terms. Though, for the record, they totally should have called the article "Barack the Vote." Thank you, Jed Bartlett, for a newfound interest in process stories.


Anonymous said...

I think there is so much about kids out there, what with all the parents putting stuff up. I personally prefer psuedonyms for the innocent because all my content is so sensitive. I'd say, although there is probably little risk of anything actually happening, if it creeps you out, better safe than sorry. Could you just use different names?

I think I wanted to become a speech writer because of Sam.

Heather said...

I used to be a lot more careful, but when I was on leadership at WaH and then Out of the Valley I always used my real name. Also, in order to run my card business online, I felt it was important to use my real full name. Sooo.... I did. In hindsight, I thought I should have given my kids nicknames instead of real ones, but so many of my readers and people who look at my pics know us in real life, that it felt confusing. And, at that point, I had already USED real names and nothing is ever really deleted from the internet thanks to google and www.waybackmachine.com. In the end, for me, it feels more genuine to just be real. I don't feel any more at risk, personally, than I do by sharing my name with people I meet in day to day life. I don't, however, share my street address or phone number, etc... I did not used to share my church name, but with the addition of facebook and my girls reading my blog, I gave up on that. If anyone really wants to find my info, they can do so.

buf said...

well, as your baby can't play on the internet or be in contact with crazies as this point in his life - there's not really anything anyone could DO to him through the web. when he gets older, and is playing online, he shouldn't use any personal info, I'd say. if crazies talk to him and come in contact with him, that could be bad bad bad. just my opinion...but yeah, if it creeps YOU out, better safe than sorry, I agree. whatever makes YOU feel safe and sound is what matters right now...jab