Friday, March 23, 2007

in the air

Tis the season for charitable causes.

* April 14 is the AIDS walk at Blount Cultural Park.
* April 14 is ALSO zoo weekend (which I know has to mean something to someone, but not to me, so much).
* April 21 is the Walk for Autism at Vaughn Road Park.
* April 21 is ALSO the Walk for Life to fight breast cancer. I'm pretty sure that's at the Coliseum.

Those are just the signs posted in my neighborhood. I'm sure there's more.

Which is to say - spring is here. Asher and Brian are wearing shorts, the entire neighborhood has taken up running, the trees are blooming, and there isn't an allergy-free person in a 50 mile radius. There's no way to exaggerate how much pollen is in the air. The cars are currently filmy green, and I swear it RAINED POLLEN a few days ago. It's an antihistamine's dream around here.

When I look back on this time, 40 Days will be the soundtrack of Spring 2007. You know you do this too - certain music represents the time and place I first heard it. Room for Squares is November in Montgomery (the first time we lived here, before he was on the radio and Andy Cloninger said, "John Mayer? You mean the guy that works the door at Eddie's Attic?"), Living With Ghosts is the summer I spent alone in Nashville, Collision is leaving the prayer room in Kansas City. And now 40 Days is Asher no longer a newborn, but still a little guy, laughing and drooling and doing Very Cute Baby Things all the time. Plus the music is all hopeful and springy anyway, so it fits the weather and the general tenor of my life.

Happy sneezing, everyone.

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