Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I've been trying to hold back so that some of my SMART THOUGHTFUL FRIENDS would COMMENT ALREADY about Christian scholarship, but alas ... I have too much free time, and you all haven't been very eager to speak up. So feel free to keep commenting, but I'm moving forward.

My friend Stephanie? One of those SMART THOUGHTFUL FRIENDS with a beautiful family and her prepregnancy figure even after two babies in as many years? Taught her dog to walk on the treadmill this week. Seriously. But it's okay, because HER friend is pregnant and has been using HER VET'S ULTRASOUND MACHINE to try to figure out the sex of her baby.

That's all I have to say about that.


Anonymous said...

She is not the first to use the vat's machine. I have heard vet's wives talk about doing that. *snicker*

And, hey, I commented.

Lane said...

I will comment. I haven't been reading blogs recently, so it's not been an intentional snub.

It's funny that Kierkegaard said that, since he was a dude that spent his whole life going back and forth on what the nature of Christian intellectualism really means, and perhaps historically ended up in the camp that he derides in this quote.

I would take issue with the idea that action takes precedence over intellectualism. Can you really seperate the two? Is a person who acts without thinking any better than a person that thinks without acting? I'm not so sure.

And why is thinking in opposition to acting? Isn't thinking an action in itself? I wouldn't say that one is more important than the other. I would say that Karl Barth's theology and Dietrich Bonhoeffer's action in martyrdom have each had no less impact than the other, although they were both grappling with the same issues at the same time and took different routes in their lives.

Just something to think about.

Is Barth less of a Christian because he didn't try an action that ultimately got him killed? Or is Bonhoeffer less of one because he tried an action that might put him in opposition to what he wrote and thought earlier in his life?

Anonymous said...

Ah, but, Lane, you missed my point. Ultimately, imitating Christ (in throught and action) is important. Not that one becoems the most important, but that BOTH are important. And, when I say action, I mean that no amount of great thought matters if you are living a life against Christ. Not, that you should act without thinking. But, like I said, I can study prayer and write books on the subject, but I still need to actually pray. And, praying is only one part of the whole, so just praying does not excuse me from thinking out why I pray, how i pray, etc...