Friday, December 01, 2006

here, there

It's snowing in Kansas City. We had to turn on our air conditioner here in Alabama last night (because it was a fun-loving 80* yesterday!), and today the high is in the 40's. You would think that WE'D had the blizzard, and that Kansas City had to turn on their air conditioners, for all of the weather reports that talk about how cold it's going to be in Alabama this weekend. Pa-lease.

I miss Kansas. Not just the weather (which would be SO fun, with all of the Searcy kids and Taylor in the snow), but the whole experience. I'm glad to be here, and we're NOT LEAVING (we're not even going to visit for several months yet), but I miss it all the same. I miss the prayer room, and the Searcys, and living in a city.

That's all. Have a good day, ya'll. And don't forget your jacket this morning. It's supposed to get cold this afternoon.


Unknown said...

It was 66* when I left work yesterday and 25(!) when I got up this morning. Seriously.

Also, my word search for this comment is goohh. Just in case anyone was interested.

Anonymous said...

It was 30 this morning. 30 DEGREES. Dang. i was HAPPY about using the air conditioner in December.

aubrey said...

Alabama in the Winter...I think the good Lord may have smoked a little weed when He created our great little area of the ecosystem... I think He enjoys watching us scramble through wardrobe changes every other day or so....

Liz said...

Friday in Kentucky - it dropped 30 degrees in 4 hours, in the middle of the day. 10am - 65degrees...2pm - 35 degrees. No lie