Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Why I Love A Collision

"it is the collision of the two, divinity and depravity, that meet in the number 7. i believe art aspires to this. when it happens it is a moment of the divine stepping into our human experience. it is our ascending. it is his descending. it is a collision of the earthly with the heavenly. " (taken from the David Crowder Band website)

If you haven't heard A Collision, by David Crowder Band, yet, look it up. www.davidcrowderband.com. I love it. Well, it's pretty weird, and I doubt I'll listen to it all the way through all the time, but it's the most artistically interesting music mainstream Christian culture has produced since Jars of Clay's self-titled CD, which has to be close to 15 years old by now. In the title, David Crowder is referring to the collision of humanity and divinity, which is - according to him - what happens in experiential worship. But it's also a collision of lives, of musical genres, of history with current events ... it's really interesting. So, seriously, even if you don't usually like Christian music, this is a really good album. My favorite song, in case you were wondering, is "A Beautiful Collision" (#7). I'll close with the opening lines of the song ...

Your heart breaking makes a sound
I never knew could be
so beautiful and loud,
fury-filled and weak


Liz said...

I love the David Crowder Band. They are coming to Lexington a week from today with Shane and Shane (whom I also love!) I can't wait. =) I haven't gotten the new cd yet, but I have heard nothing but good about it.

Ciona said...

I wish we would collide more in our faith. Roberta Bondi talks about how our faith journeys are toward God in the center. When we move closer to God, we move closer to others moving closer to God (major paraphrase). Imagine how cramped and beautiful it would be if we collided against each other more often in our journey to collide with God. I love these thoughts from David Crowder Band, and I'm checking their music now. I'm a Christian music dropout in the last few years, so I'm behind . . .