Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Week 2 in Kansas


It's my intention to write two posts today - an external update and a spiritual update. However, I'm at the library and there are time limits on computer use, so we'll see if I have time to do that or not. I'll do my best.

Kansas is COLD. It snowed yesterday. Today is clear and sunny and windy ... my favorite kind of winter day. I feel like we drove through fall on our way up here ... in Jackson, MS, the leaves were still green. In Memphis, they were changing; in St. Louis, we saw bright reds and oranges; by Kansas City, the trees were bare.

How did I get off on that? Back to week two ..

It's good. Honestly, I don't want to leave any time soon. While in Birmingham, we were always thinking about the future. But here, I can't see past Kansas City at all. I can't see past living with the Searcys, either. It's a really different way of life than what we're used to - living with the parents of 7 children is showing me how utterly self-absorbed I really am - but I love it. I love the activity in the house, I LOVE mealtimes, and I love helping to care for the little ones. I also feel like we're able to really love and serve Halle and Todd by being a part of their lives in this way, and I am glad to have that opportunity.

We've also had the chance to serve our neighbors this week. On Sunday night, our neighbor, Rick, killed himself. He left a (commonlaw) wife and three children behind. Their youngest son, who is six months old, has multiple disabilities. It was, obviously, a shock for everyone involved. I probably said a dozen times on Monday, "He was in our living room last night. I just talked to him yesterday." And I barely even knew the guy ... But even in the middle of such a senseless and tragic moment, I can see God working. Two nights before he died, Todd had the opportunity to share his testimony with Rick. Even the night that he died, Todd and his oldest son talked with Rick and his son (who is about the same age as Todd's oldest), and God came up several times. Last week about this time, Todd and I both started praying pretty intensely for this guy and his child who is sick ... Looking back, it seems clear to me that God really wanted to save him. I hope he made peace with God before he died ... his widow has turned to the Searcys for support this week. We have all helped take care of the children, and Todd has helped with funeral arrangements. He is going to be speaking at the funeral tomorrow. If you think of it, please pray for Nikki and Rick's family. Also, please pray for his oldest son. Because of custody issues, his future is uncertain.

In other news, we actually met with a pastor in Kansas City who is looking for a worship leader yesterday. I have no idea if that's where we'll end up or not, but yesterday went very well. They are a church plant (only two months old) that is funded by the same organization as New Life Church in Colorado Springs and the Church of the Highlands in Birmingham. Please pray for us about this. We really want to make a wise decision.

I think that's about all for week two ... I am going to look for jobs today. I'm looking at bookstores, coffee shops, and restaurants. Restaurants are my least favorite option, but you can make the most money in the fewest hours, so I'll probably start there. I'm actually looking forward to doing this type of work. I am glad to just BE for now - be here, be in prayer - just BE. Rest is so good.


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